[b]Name[/b]: ‘Doctor’ Ygdri Gro-Roc [b]Age[/b]: 20 [b]Appearance[/b]: A mighty creature in appearance, Ygdri provides no doubt as to her Orcish heritage. Her facial features are sharp and pronounced, with sharp fangs and bird-like eyes that seem to pierce with an opal hue. Her hair is a shoulder-length mess of raven black and she bares a number of piercings on her face, including a ring that pierces the Septum of her nose and several that pierce through the ear. Her skin is as green as the grass and she prides herself on a body toned by training and temperance. She stands at roughly 6 foot flat. [b]Skills/Abilities[/b]: -[i] I LOVE ZIS DOCTOR![/i]: Ygdri is not nicknamed ‘Doc’ without merit. A skilful warrior she may be, but a better doctor, you will be hard pressed to find. Ygdri can set broken bones, amputate limbs, clear infected wounds or nullify toxins better than any orc in the company; hell, better than any other orc wouldn’t be an unfair estimate. - [i]Shieldmaiden[/i]: The Doc is known for her skills with Shield and blade on the battlefield, and the Orcish healer is known for the constant companionship of her shield; a remodelled Targe. Two unique additions make Ygdri’s shield what it is: a rather brutal looking spike on the front, and a small amount of storage on the inner side for medical substances. She stores a few concoctions inside the Targe, most of which can be used for her craft; but a few that might burn flesh or blind eyes, if placed in the right way. -[i]Biology-cal warfare[/i]: Ygdri combines both her warrior instincts and her healer’s talents in a rather dangerous way: for you cannot be a healer without knowing what can break a body the best. Ygdri can pick out the softest targets on a person and is unashamed in bringing her full force down upon the weakness. If she gets enough time to examine an opponent, she will often be able to pick out old wounds and thus will abuse those. - [i] Chemical warfare[/i]: While she wouldn’t call herself an Alchemist, Ygdri is skilled with making concoctions out of what would otherwise be useless ingredients and herbs. Her speciality of course, lies in the craft of Poultices and disinfecting ointments, but she is well aware of what herbs will cause affliction upon a person -[i]Slashing Specialist[/i]: You don’t get far amongst Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi without being able to kill a person, and Ygdri is no exception. The Shield bearing doctor is more often than not accompanied by a slashing weapon of some type: either a Falchion or a Single headed Axe. Ygdri can swing these weapons better than the average grunt, and while she is capable with a Spear or a pike, her skills with them are outshone by her skills with a blade. [b]Equipment[/b]: -[i]Main Weapon, Falchion[/i]: Ygdri’s blade of choice is the Falchion. It’s weight combined with the brutal cutting edge and the ability to at least pull off a half-decent thrusting attack allows Ygdri to deal significant damage with the blade. Thankfully, since the Falchion is shorter than design that most blades, it does not affect her ability to effectively use her Shield. -[i] Secondary Weapon, Single-headed Axe[/i]: Closer to a large hatchet than to a Warrior’s blade, this crude axe may not be pretty, but it fits its purpose to perfection. As a side note, the edge is kept particularly keen in case the Doctor needs to make a rapid amputation. - [i]Tertiary weapon, Dagger[/i]: Ygdri always carries with her a small dagger, mostly used as a Scalpel. If she is forced to use this weapon in battle, she is probably in a lot of trouble. Thankfully, she hasn’t had to use it yet as anything other than a surgical instrument. - [i]Off-Hand, Shield[/i]: Ygdri’s shield is a constant companion, and she named the shield ‘Frontline’. It is a rounded Targe which covers a large portion of her body if hidden behind. Frontline was modified to match Ygdri’s purposes. As such: it has a large spike on the front, used mainly for bashing in skulls; and a modified inner side that houses a few pouches and a few straps that allow the Medical warrior to access her medical supplies mid battle. - [i]Armour[/i]: Ygdri’s armour is a bit of a mishmash of repurposed items of armour. She wears a plate chest piece and greaves, yet chooses to wear hardened leather gauntlets in order to give her fingers enough movement, should she be called upon to act as healer on the battlefield. Her shoulders are adorned in Plate-Pauldrons that are strapped to her by leather bands. The design is made so that she can remove the pieces of armour if she needs to perform surgery. -[i]Healer’s equipment[/i]: As is expected of a healer, Ygdri carries around with her a few herbs and a number of ointments inside ‘Frontline’s’ storage space. She also carries with her a Pestle and mortar, should the need arise; her other equipment is left off of the battlefield. [b]Personality[/b]: Ygdri is characterised by her passion: be that in battle, in drink or in her doctor’s craft. Ygdri will give her all in whatever endeavour she undertakes because she doesn’t know any other way. An orc woman has to work harder than any man, lest she be devoured by the Patriarchal society and made into some Warchief’s fourth wife or some bullshit. Ygdri’s passionate attitude gives her a certain charisma amongst the Orcish troops, and she has won a few admirers in her time amongst Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi: nearly all of whom have ended up flat on their ass after attempting to do something stupid in order to ‘win her heart’ or her hand or her soul or whatever other sugar coated term they use to say ‘I wanna fuck you.’ Despite her passion, Ygdri is a faithful member of Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi and is proud of her place amongst its inner circle. She doesn’t aspire to lead the group, as many before have: all she desires is the respect she deserves. Any individual who gives it will earn a stalwart friend and a shield-mate who can save a life with much more precision than most. Any who deny it learn to fear the fury of an Orc woman. [b]History[/b]: Ygdri was born to the Stoneback clan as the first and only child of the clan’s shaman. According to certain superstitions, Ygdri was born under good omens. Something about the sixth star of the seventh god of fertility: or some other bullcrap that didn’t actually matter to true orc. Growing up, Ygdri had expectations placed upon her: all of which she surpassed and exceeded. Whether it was the call of the blade or the grind of the pestle, Ygdri excelled in whatever she put her mind to. The orcish woman was, in the eyes of her clan at least, flawless in every regard: except for the most important… Gender. The Stoneback clan was a mid-level clan in all: noted for producing fine orcs but never really producing leaders. The clan had hoped that the union of their shaman and a paticularily strong orc woman would spawn a son that break the cycle of second-places and right-hand men: instead, he produced a female orc. The Stonebacks were patriarchal, as was most Orcish society and as such Ygdri was never expected to lead. Despite the flaw of her gender, the Shaman was doting upon Ygdri; for an Orc, at least. He gave her no mercies but he also made sure not to hold back her potential. By the age of ten, Ygdri was a considerable force with an axe or a sword and she could already remove barbed arrowheads from squirming, bawling warriors three times her age. It was around this time that Ygdri’s gender was first being considered as a possible boon. The Stoneback clans began organising potential Warlords into meetings with Ygdri; attempting to orchestrate a marriage between the Stoneback clans ‘Orcish maiden’ with a strong Warlord of the future: in the hopes of elevating the clan’s status further. For the most part, Ygdri was kept out of the loop. She was merely told of meetings and visits being organised: never that they were meetings and visits so centrally revolving around [i]her[/i]. She would meet with the Warlord-candidates and more often than not leave disappointed. Often times the meeting would end in a one-sided spar: in which Ygdri battered the representatives around who were far too used to winning. After a particularly one-sided beating of a Warchief candidate, Ygdri was brought before the Stoneback clan’s elders; in order to be told of the situation involving the meetings and their attempt to marry her off. She was as furious as any Orc to hear the news that people were trying to steal her freedom: but a sense of clan pride kept her from rebelling instantly. She was told of the importance of the next meeting, and she agreed to keep in mind the value it could have for the clan. The meeting with the potential partner was disastrous. The orc brought forward was a milk-sop: elevated only by his father’s position. Ygdri was furious at the poor match found for her and, just like the others; she beat the man into the dirt. The difference was that this time, she ripped off her clan’s Sigel: An act of open rebellion, if ever there was one. She was given a choice, either marry the man she’d just crushed in battle, or be exiled from the clan. Her answer was a swift stomp to the back of the man’s neck: and she stormed out of the clan’s halls forever. [b]Relationships and Acquaintances[/b]: [u]Sknad[/u]-Ygdri spends more of her free time than she'd like fixing up Sknad's body after whatever [s]stupidity[/s] bravery he'd thrown himself into. The pair share a reasonably close relationship, and the pair share a dark sense of humor; generally revolving around banter and jests.