The presentation done, the assorted criminals began to leave the room, presumably to finish up what business they had left on Cartegena Station before they'd be leaving for good. Saseen was going to do the same, when the drell she'd noticed before started muttering. She only tuned in at the word 'asari' and that was all she heard before the woman fell to the ground, sending her cooler careening under a nearby chair. Saseen stood up and quickly walked over to that side of the table. It was perfectly normal for criminals to ignore each other's plights, so she didn't really blame anyone else in the room for not taking notice. However, she couldn't, in good conscience, do so herself. She was careful not to make her concern too apparent. Pointing out such a fit in the presence of such a hardened lot would probably do more harm for Darnya than good. She simply retrieved the cooler and replaced it on the table. When it became clear that the drell probably wasn't going to fall again, Saseen gave her an understanding smile and left. She hadn't been around quite enough drell in her life to be familiar with their memory regressions, so she didn't quite know what to make of what she'd seen. [I]If I'm going to be working with two of them, I should probably figure out if... Whatever that was is a normal thing...[/i] That was added to her mental list of things to do when she had some time to kill on the extranet. Her next stop was the shitty motel she'd been holed up in for the past two weeks. The theft of her ship had left her with only the clothes on her back and some credits. New guns and armor were first on her shopping list. After that, she picked up some knickknacks that she saw while out shopping -she was terrible about making impulse purchases- an extra change of clothes, and a bag with an over the shoulder strap to keep it all in. First, Saseen changed into her titan armor. Maybe a firefight wasn't the best way to break in new armor, but it wasn't as if she had much of a choice. She slid her new weapons on and haphazardly folded up her normal outfit and tossed it on the bed. In doing so, she caught a climpse of herself in a floor length mirror on the other side of the small room. She grinned and drew her Phalanx, pointing it at her reflection. [I]I can definitely pass for a mercenary,[/i] she decided, pointedly ignoring the fact that she wasn't much different from one in the first place. Everything that wasn't already in the bag went in and Saseen slung it over her shoulder. She told the disinterested batarian at the front desk that she was checking out, and left without any further ado. Once on the street again, she looked down at her omni-tool. It was one of few things that she'd retained after her ship was stolen. It had no hacking or combat functions, as she wouldn't know how to use the former and believed her biotics to render the latter obsolete, but it could access make calls, send messages, and access the extranet. An engineer friend who'd been on the ship had installed programs that would keep her location from being revealed to anyone who cared to look. The programs weren't infallible, but they'd served well enough for her purposes. Bay E-15, crate number A-129. Saseen had a quite bite to eat before dropping her bag off in their group's crate. Now there was nothing left to do but wait. She approached Tanya in a rather leisurely manner, considering what they were about to do. "I've built my career on doing stupid things. I'm always ready," she responded pleasantly. "What about you?"