When Alex finally looked up to face Chase and Jack, the storm around and above had abated, dissipating slower than it had arisen, telling of a cooling off rather than a sudden change of mood. His eyes, no longer lit by the power of the storm, appeared bloodshot. He wasn't crying, but it certainly looked like he had been, when he stood he faltered, leaning on Chase to bring himself to his full height. Beside that he seemed perfectly capable, his lapse from grief rather than strain. There seemed to be a moment, a pause when Alex might have considered talking to them now, instead he just sighed, before walking off in the direction of the bloodiest part of the battleground. "Yes, X, we should find her." This hardly proved difficult, X had cut a swathe through the aggressors, men lay dead next to their vehicles sliced open. It was gruesome, but all Alex could feel was a blend of apathy and satisfaction. He wished he had made them suffer, lightning by nature had been too swift, he could have boiled them with thermals or dashed them with rocks. Survival had been more important at the time, now he only wanted lasting revenge. They found X standing, looking, as always, deceptively close to them in age, cleaning the blood from her two pronged claws. She appeared to not be distressed in the slightest, but had likely been a whirlwind of rage at the time. She was the blood of Wolverine, and Alex knew enough about animals and history to make a few guesses. "Will, Helena and Annelise are back at the ranch. They looked...worse for wear. We should head back, if you're done." Alex spoke, sounding a little more terse than he wanted to be with his mentor, which earned him a raised eyebrow, but enough understanding for it to be brushed aside. She approached them, placing a hand on his shoulder for a moment, before responding. It made him wander about the range of her hearing, he'd have to ask another time. "A few loose ends to tie up, head back, check they're safe. Be prepared to leave to." She didn't offer an explanation, but Alex could think of a host of reasons why they'd need to, and didn't have the time or will to ask, he turned to leave as X to left to continue her hunt, witnesses or survivors, all were a liability at this point, even if it was likely too late in the day. At an after thought, she threw the boys the keys to her vehicle, their own being trashed. Alex allowed one of the others to drive this time around, sitting in silence as they drove the rest of the way to the Ranch, a few scant miles away. He shut his eyes, drifting off into memories both beautiful and dark, always leading to the same horrifying thoughts. When they finally arrived Alex was out in a second, desperate to be doing anything other than pausing over his thoughts. He'd originally felt Helena and the rest plummet through his storm, so knew where they'd be. He broke out into a run, calling for the others to follow him on the way to the swimming pool, before finding the trio on the side. "How is everyone? X says we need to be gone. Soon." Again, he did not mean to sound as uncaring as he may have come across, but Alex exemplified dead inside at that particular moment, and for all his care towards his fellows, it couldn't be present in his voice at such a time.