"You got employees?" Yumiko asked, apparently not acknowledging the driving in any way other than to avoid the hot tea that came perilously close to drenching her hair. She'd been through it before, and in a much faster car. This had no ability to intimidate her any more. Sadly, it had also entirely removed the thrill from rollercoasters, as they were so... tame and predictable in comparison, "Ah, I'm not an employee, Butler-san, just a friend." Hanako, of course, was completely used to this; it was basically the only form of driving she was used to. In fact, she had produced some paper--and crayons--stuffed in a pocket on the back of one of the seats, and was doing her best to draw. Not all that well, since she lacked a flat surface and the van kept moving, but it was a valiant effort. It was unlikely, though that most of the [i]employees[/i] would be taking the ride anywhere near so calmly as these two.