"I'm sorry, Press. I honestly don't have any more information, and I won't until Mr. D comes back. If he comes back," Chiron said. --- Addie could hear the counselors downstairs talking with Chiron. It was like they were talking through a pillow, though, so she couldn't understand any of the words. It was now too late for her to just leave the Big House. She'd have to wait until they all cleared out, even Chiron, before she left. If she wanted to avoid getting in serious trouble, that is. Addie hadn't been here before, and she'd never really thought about going into the attic in the Big House before. She, of course, knew what it was used for, though. Even if she didn't before, it would've become obvious now. There were dozens and dozens of things lining the walls. Most of these things were pickled monster heads and dented shields, but there were a few things that drew her attention. For example, there was a set of fuzzy dice. There was also a sword hilt that said, [i]"This broke and Leroy got killed. 1999"[/i] Wandering the attic, there was only one other thing that caught her attention. The Oracle. A mummified woman sprung to life, looking right at Addie. [i]"I am the spirit of Delphi, speaker of the prophecies of Phoebus Apollo, slayer of the mighty Python. Approach seeker, and ask."[/i] "No, no. I'm not even supposed to be up here. I'm going to be in so much trouble, as is. No way am I talking to you," Addie responded, shaking her head. "Nope. No friggin' way." The Oracle then lit up, and began blowing a green gas into the room. "Oh gods, I broke the Oracle. Oh no, oh no, oh gods what am I going to do?" [i]"Seven of divine blood will be called, The light of the gods will soon fall, Gentle war must roar, Or else Olympus will be no more."[/i] "Shit," Addie said, having frozen up when the Oracle spoke again. Her eyes widened, and she sprinted down the stairs. "Chiron!"