Borodin was silent as he sat in the small room with the guards, they almost seemed to not even care that he was sitting there as they talked lowly among themselves, probably deciding if they should follow protocol and throw him in solitary or make a deal with him. It was no big secret to many of the higher inmates that the guards were as slippery as oiled up snakes. An anyone who knew anything about the outside mobs, it was that Borodin was a higher up in the food chain in his respected group. That more often then not caused turmoil, one day a guard treats a high ranking mob member bad, next day the guards family is dead, they knew this better then anyone this is why they preferred to tread carefully around Borodin or any high ranking mob member. Some guards truly were not corrupt they just feared for their families and resorted to deal making then risk their families life. Borodin himself was not in the business of murdering woman and children, however they did not know that and in the end he was never going to say anything to them to ease their fear. It seemed like it took some time, but the guards finally finished muttering to each other and finally seemed to acknowledge that Borodin was sitting cuffed to the table. Looking at them he could see that knowing fear in their eye's, that was the fear of a man who was treading carefully, biting his tongue afraid to say the wrong thing. That was why Borodin spoke first, he would take an advantage of the fear. "You both know that I did not start that scuffle in the yard, the shanks used against me was more then enough to prove that I was targeted. You both seem like knowledgeable young man, and if I were in your shoes I wouldn't want to condemn a Mob Lord a punishment that he does not deserve. The bigger picture states that its not worth the risk, not worth whats more... how do you say important in life..." Both of the guards looked at each other swallowing a bit harder then they probably intended, they were both young perhaps twenty five to thirty range, the young ones were the easiest ones to scare. Borodin merely narrowed his icy cold gaze on the youngest looking guard and leaned backed in the chair as far back as the cuffs would allow, he spoke a little more towards the younger guard. "All you really have to do is falsify the report a little bit, make it look like I was never there and that another inmate was involved, one of the wannabe street thugs who have no power. The Warden would never know any better, and honestly I don't think he would really care either way. You let me go, and I can guarantee you that there is no harm and no foul on your parts. Then again you can throw me in solitary where in I have all the time in the world to think about the reason I am relinquishing in a two by two cell and the men that were involved in it. Either way it goes the choice is up to you both." ***Moments later*** Borodin was silent as he entered through his open cell door, he looked around the small cell with a certain disgust, he hated being confined to such a place, it was like an insult to him that he should be here. But he knew the stakes better then anyone else, the real reason for his being here was more important then his own personal comfort, and he know the fresh air against soon enough so he would just play ball for a short time more. Walking over to the bolted down cot Borodin sat down, he had no inmate anymore thankfully, Borodin preferred a more solitary cell, that was part of the reason he nearly beat the young tattooed punk he had been sharing the cell with to death. He had earned a rather long stay in solitary confinement for that incident. But all in all the ends justified the means, it did not take Borodin long however to realize that someone was watching him from outside his cell, looking up he saw a rather mean biker type looking at him. Borodin narrowed his eye's at the man and gave him a rather cold gaze, however it did not seem to deter or scare the man off. Borodin let out a small audible sigh, there truly was no peace even for a few moments in this place. "I imagine you have a reason for staring at me, so how about this, you tell me why your here and I won't tear your throat out and watch your blood paint the walls of this prison..." "No need to get violent Russkie, I be only here to convey a message to you, that be it." "Then convey it and leave..." "The Korean man, Jeong I believe his name is, he wants to have a meeting with you to propose a truce of sorts. He say he wants to sit down like responsible business men and talk things out." Borodin glared harder now at the Biker with a disgust that was clearly evident. The very mention of that brown noser set Borodins blood on fire, especially after that pathetic attempt at taking his life in the yard. An the Korean shit didn't even have the nerve to come to Borodin himself and propose the meeting between them, that was a great insult in itself. Borodin got up from his bunk and slowly walked to the biker and walked outside his cell ducking the low overhang and took a look around the cell block, there was no guards lurking near by. Before the man could even react Borodin launched his fist hard and struck him off guard right in the stomach, the man not expecting the blow collapsed back and hit the ground, he coughed up some blood as it splattered the floor beside him. "You seem to be a good little lap dog, delivering messages for the Korean mob fold, so here is my answer. You crawl back to Jeong and tell him that if he wants to have a meeting with me then he will not send a grunt to propose to me. If he truly wants to talk with me then he will come himself, because I do not consort with a go between. An also be sure to tell him if those Korean thugs or any of his men try to attack me again ill preform Zamochit on him personally, and these guards won't save him." Borodin turned his back on the man and walked back into his cell he felt no further need to speak with the man. Sitting back on his bunk Borodin merely set his eye's back on the man he had punched, if he was stupid enough to try and counter attack him then Borodin would be happy to put him in the infirmary.