The sun was high, the clouds were scarce, and a calm breeze rolled across the land. Trees and bushes rustled, grass and flowers sway. It was the day before classes began for the knights academy, and those who knew no better. Were quite calm and content with life. The school grounds had opened, small stalls were temporarily open in the school courtyard, holding food and drink for those who were willing to pay the small sums asked. The said school grounds were vast. A large courtyard with stone walkways, dirt fields, and grassy spots, all symmetrical and tidy. An arena stood to the far right side of the area, it had walls of it's own, and had many seats, for people to come and watch spars and other events. The building itself was impressive to say the least. It had high walls of strong stone that seemed they could never fall, it had towers and parapets and walkways, making intricate ways for guards and watchmen to keep a well paced lookout. The entire ground had a moat, filled with crystal blue water and varying kinds of fish. The place was old, yet the place was also sturdy. If someone did not know better, it could be taken for a fortress, or perhaps from far away the home of a lord. Teachers were told to go and meet their students, students were invited to meet their teachers. The usual pleasant exchange was held every year without fail. The headmistress seemed to enjoy it and most people did't usually question her opinions The grounds had been open for mere minutes now. Most teachers were already present and it was time for the students to make their way here. It was likely that most of them had already set up their room within the housing area, but this was also a time for first years to find a home in the large building. A new year beginning. Many things will be learned, many friends will be made, and though it was not yet known. Many lives were likely to be lost. It was the first day, of the knights academy ------ A girl walked the school grounds, while she had a very young look to her she had a proper and mature air around her, and while she seemed a bit to young to be a student, she was here anyways. She was the headmistress, some older students had came about to call her "Old lady Ell" though most refereed to her as "Third" . She smiled as she stood nearby the gates, waiting to see new faces, and hoping to see old, her long scarf blew in the breeze, and she didn't seem to mind the heat. She looked like the kind of person one could easily trust, and more so, one could easily learn from. She was an old teacher, waiting in front of her school, for her pupils to file in and find some enjoyment. She felt nothing was wrong with the world, or at least she didn't let on that she did. And it seemed she would rather be nowhere else but right there, right then. In contrast, a tall man with broad shoulders stood not far off behind her, he had his arms crossed, and his face covered, he looked to old to be a student, and to standoffish to be a teacher, but he was here anyways. This was the teacher Azelf. he had an air about him that said "don't talk to me" and he seemed to be waiting for something to do, and he also seemed to be watching, though, not watching fro people to come, watching for a person to do something. He had his eyes on the headmistress, if one did not know better, one would mistake him for perhaps her father. if anyone got close to the girl, they would feel his gaze boring into his skull, and if they threatened her, they would likely feel something else of his boring into their skull. He was an old teacher, standing in front of his school, waiting for his pupils to file in and mess up. He felt annoyed and likely bored with the world, something he definitely showed. And it seemed he would rather be anywhere else but right there, right then.