[b]Setting:[/b] The magical land of Torayahs. Okay. Not so much magical but shut up I'm telling a story. Anyways the both of us know everything about this place and writing it all down would be redundant so... [b]Plot:[/b] Enter a pair of twin thieves. One is a gifted master of false-facing and the other so stealthy they could steal you portrait as it's being painted. In this world, Torayahs, thieves are part of a global guild operating out of Archalae on a series of islands by the coast known as [i]Oi Petres[/i]. All thieves must pay a tax to this guild or risk death. Well, these twins aren't much for being told what to do and don't much want to split their loot. So, what do they do? They hide. And... Hijinks ensue.