As Edward was being escorted away from the meeting room, he overheard a few shots from a hall nearby. Hyrum was the leading guard who promised, “We’ll keep you safe Blare. Just stay close to us.” Edward didn’t bother protesting and simply nodded in agreement. As soon as he and a few other men made their way to the nearest hallway he noticed the Earth Sphere uniform of the captor as he peeked from the nearest corner. A perfect opportunity. He thought to himself. He was quick to give an order, “Cut off his escape. If we hurry we might be able to help the hostage situation.” Hyrum took control of the situation when he told Edward, “Wait here. We’ll resolve whatever’s come over the General.” Edward nodded while he offered, “I should at least warn Ms. Peacecraft. She must have known something to hint towards this action.” Hyrum agreed when he ordered two of his own men to follow the General, “You two follow him. Everyone else form up on me.” When the order was given, Hyrum and the other soldiers kept their sights on General Ulbricht as they waited for the situation to pan out. There were still eight guards following him and they would be able to cut off any possible escape from the General’s side. One of Hyrum’s following guards followed him asking in a quiet voice, “Should we move in sir?” Hyrum shook his head while he observed the tension between the two parties. He whispered back, “We can’t take this sort of action against an official without any warranting grounds. Edward found Naina within the meeting as she observed everything the Earth Sphere had to convene. The meeting with the new Coalition President had ended and Edward made a quick movement to meet her. “Ms. Peacecraft. I believe there is something you must be warned of. I saw General Ulbricht holding someone hostage on the way down to my personal quarters. If I heard correctly from a few hours ago I believe he is facing your brother.” Naina looked up from her computer when she asked herself, “What is Milou doing holding down one of the Earth Sphere Generals?” She stood up while asking, “Did you do anything to see they wouldn’t leave their area?” “We have him surrounded for right now. I am a man of planning after all, not action.” Edward promised. “I’d imagine.” She said remembering his status as a General. She told the other guards, “Escort him back. I must see this is resolved.” She made her way towards the exit door to follow Edward and his guards to the sight of the stand. Mercurio didn’t raise his pistol when he heard what his superior was warning. He tried to cool the situation when he reminded, “General, neither of us have any intention of harming you. Please release her and we will not hold you accountable to anything.” It was a desperate attempt but it was the first thing he could try to end it. It was the most Hyrum and his men had heard of the situation at this point when Mercurio gave the warning and when Naina showed up he wondered what she was planning. Before any of them were able to stop the threshold, Naina saw the General and brought her aim towards the hand holding his hostage. Hyrum saw Naina making her way up to the field of vision while he asked, “Wait you’re actually –“ “We’ll have to do what we can to take him back alive.” She cut him off. As soon as Naina whispered this she turned the corner and found the hand holding the General’s weapon. She fired towards Ulbricht’s hand and saw him expressing the predicted shock and pain of the situation. She ran up to the General while kicking Donna to the ground and away from her captor. A small pill flew out of Donna’s mouth while Naina tried to briefly see if she was alright. She checked back to the General and raised her pistol towards his head. She tried to follow through with the Earth Sphere protocols of arresting him when she warned, “You’ll explain your actions General. Your answers will be upheld when before the Parliament for questioning as well as any offending parties.” | After making their way through Orsha, the Sol Thero units continued on the path of destruction. None of the occupying Coalition forces in Kaliningrad could tell what their mission was but it seemed that all targets were fired on indiscriminately. The destruction of the facilities continued with every shot that came their way. Within Tano’s trench one of the mobile suit pilots reported, “They aren’t hearing us out. We don’t even have a signal coming from them.” Oleg pointed out the issue when he observed, “It’s clear we won’t have any chance of surrender then. If anything it’s probably an all or nothing battle now.” One of the pilots was rightfully confused when he asked, “Where are they supposed to be headed though? Our most significant outpost should be out in Moscow. Why are they headed west?” Someone nearby tried to understand the idea by offering, “Probably to regroup or something. We would have heard about the fall of Moscow obviously.” Oleg interrupted the conversation when he reminded, “We’re not getting anywhere with a guessing game. If we’re going to survive this we probably better stay out of their range.” Another one of the pilots gave a stark reminder, “If that’s even possible.” Oleg saw one squad of Sol Thero units making their way towards their position. “They’re headed this way, let’s stay low.” He warned. The programming in the Sol Thero units found the area of Kaliningrad to be insignificant to the rest of the mission, but there was an area with Coalition signals designating enemy presence. The eight units collectively lifted their gattling guns and open fired on the target without any regard for nearby pilot activity. Another explosion erupted and the Coalition signals had been dispelled significantly but the mission was still moving forward when they were targeted nearby. The critical areas of the city were destroyed when several Sol Thero units opened their breast plates and fired a volley of missiles towards the facilities. Upon their destruction the mission for the area was complete. As it ended, several objectives were listed on the red screen of every Sol Thero unit. ‘Destroy all facility signals. Accomplished. Destroy all resistance against mission. Pending. Direction. Continue to nearest Earth Sphere port. Next target Berlin.’ The eight mobile suits made their way across the rubble while one of the units passed by without any consideration of Tano’s next move.