[b]"Some gentlemen have prior obligations to other ladies, thank you very much."[/b] The prim and proper voice of Voracia rang out through the library. The demon stood staring at the trio, arms folded with a smug smile, a thin white umbrella balanced in the crook of her elbow as Hunter came in behind her, door shutting loudly, large hood up as he brushed rain water off his jacket, a heavy rifle case thumping against his backpack. Voracia tapped a finger to her lips as her hair writhed behind her, wrapping around her body as the Sniper's heavy boots thudded over to the table. He gave a wave and a smile to Id and Ego, before giving Voracia a look. [b]"Be nice Voracia. Sorry we're late, Voracia wanted us to stop and grab umbrellas when it started raining. Hope you weren't waiting too long, ladies."[/b] [b]"Followed by trying to find someone hiding in the library instead of waiting for us at our patrol route."[/b] [b]"Voracia..."[/b] Voracia gave a disdainful sniff at the library, seeming to act like the books would crumble into black ink and smear all over her as she moved closer to Hunter, golden eyes roving the area. Hunter, for his part, rummaged through the backpack, then pulled out a collapsible umbrella. [b]"I'm pretty sure the umbrella will be big enough for both of us, if not I've got a jacket and you can use the umbrella, Eika."[/b] Voracia gave a laugh, hand covering her mouth as she smirked at the sniper. [b]"You're so tactless. You didn't even introduce yourself and yet you called her by her first name as if you know everything about her!"[/b] Hunter blanched at the realization. [b]"Oh crap, sorry! I just...when they said my partner was blind, I just knew it was you so...*ahem* I'm Hunter Williams, nice to meet you Miss Munashii, Miss Id, and Miss Ego."[/b] Hunter, for all his cheerful demeanor and lack of physical abilities, was one of the few students who was aware of practically everyone. His awareness of his surroundings led to a certain amount of knowledge of people in the Academy, and Eika was no exception. He had seen the blind student before, and her familiars, in the Tamer classes. It didn't take long to pick up their names, mostly from the whining of the one known as Ego and the chastising of Id. However, because of his knowledge, he tended to act very friendly to people, even though they often had no idea who he was in their first meeting. Voracia walked up behind the boy, giving a short curtsy as he gestured at her. [b]"This is Voracia, my famil-"[/b] [b]"We both know you're MY vassal, not the other way around!"[/b] [b]"-iar....We should get going, we're already behind schedule because of me. I think we have the school grounds today right?"[/b] The boy laid one finger gently on Eika's shoulder to let her know where he was, offering her an arm and ignoring Voracia's hair reaching into his backpack and snatching an energy bar to munch on via the fanged mouth on the back of her head. The boy hoped it would be a quiet patrol, mostly because he was out of his element. Yes, he had the Makarov and Voracia, but he preferred seeing the world through a scope, not up close. A demon showing up near him, without his rifle and without the element of distance, would most likely end terribly for him. Still, he had a job to do, and he wasn't about to let his partner walk around without him. [b]"Whenever you're ready."[/b]