[center][img=http://splashpage.mtv.com//wp-content/uploads/splash/2013/08/Arsenal.jpg][/center] [i]"How're we doing?, I haven't been in the tower since it was being built. You mind showing me around?"[/i] Jason Todd. Roy had partnered with the second Robin a few times in the past but had never really grown to know him outside of what Dick would mention and what he could read from Green Arrow’s computer archive—assuming Ollie still upkept the Quiver to some utility. Either way, there was a silent rage that Roy recognized in Jason and if what Nightwing said was true than they were more alike than he could imagine. [b]“You don’t want to see how these two handle Harlequin all on their own? I mean yeah, it’s not quite the real thing but the AI is very convincing.” [/b] He turned away from the simulation for a moment as he added to his comment, [b]“But yeah, I guess I could.”[/b]