[b]Darwin[/b] Darwin was having a great time firing arrow after arrow wizzing about the place. Whenever Darwin thought about it...he could never figure out how he could create a rainbow arrow, but damn would it be awesome! Just like him! He somehow ended up really far away from Mercy and the others just firing arrows at random while shouting stuff about fruit. When would the fun stop? Darwin's purple hair was all ruffled and crazy looking as he let loose arrow after arrow until he saw.....RYUU! Suddenly he leapt from the ground and went flying through the air with his bow and arrow before hitting Ryuu with so much force all the while pulling him into a hug. "HAI RYUU-SAN!" He said his face beaming glory. "Isn't this place, just amazing? I could sit here all day shooting stuff, but that'd be boring wouldn't it? So how are you Ryuu, been quite a time on this island right? Oh whwere are my manners, here have some skitttles Ryuu-san!" He held out a hand full of green and purple skittles. "They're just awesome! I got these off the Russian Black Market!"