The grass felt soft as a breeze brushed by and gently swayed each piece in the direction of the winds travel. Hands sifted through the grass as arms rested and the sun poured its rays all over the man who was on his back. Akamu loved to sun bathe, he loved feeling the warmth of the sun on his skin as it filled his heart and mind with positivity and mindfulness. He could feel the roots of the grass swallowing the energy the sun was giving and that brought a smile to Akamu's face. Akamu posted up on one hand and then reached a butterfly sitting position where the soles of his feet met one another. His body connected and mind clear, the long dark hair dropped down to his belt and swayed in the breeze as did the other organic life around him. The vibration of hooves were felt, the beating of wings could be heard, and the smell of flowers filled the air. Akamu took time to rest in an open field of a forest that was in between where he was coming from and where he was going to, this place was Ni. Not a positive stop but one that had to be done in order to stock up on some small supplies he would not be able to find in the forest. Dressed in his usual kimono, Akamu reached his feet and decided it was time to push forward. It felt as though it was just yesterday he left Agaru, and now he was far from home and been gone for a long time now. As Akamu walked the forest around him seemed more alive than ever. The vines would grow and wrap themselves around other trees while grass would lay flat for Akamu's feet. The Earth below him would form bridges when crossing creeks and rivers and then break apart behind him as he walked over to the other side. The Earth never faulted Akamu and therefore Akamu would never fault the Earth. It was a mutual and beneficial agreement that was unspoken but true. While walking into Ni he could feel that this place was no longer what it used to be, a vacant shell of its former self and one clearly about to fall apart at any time. "What a beautiful place....wasted...the Earth will recycle and man will replace, for now, we shall wait and see what happens." Akamu spoke to himself as he began walking the streets of Ni and it was not long before he heard sounds of a skirmish erupting on the roads. Crates sounded as though they were breaking and feet pummeled the roads surface with purpose and that purpose was to flee. The other set of feet were pursuing and it was only seconds before the clinging of metal began the dance and Akamu knew what was happening. He was not one to interfere with quarrels but this one just seemed unfair and in the life of those who train to be where he was at...honor was a staple in the industry. Adjusting his path was unlike Akamu but it was a decision he had to make morally and with that decision he now felt the growing presence of dark individuals. When he reared the corner of some shops, there wrapped in chains was a man showing his defiance. While three others stand above him questioning him with an agenda of their own. Akamu was blind...but the Earth was not, and that is a gift that Akamu knows he can never pay back. His hand shifted to "Choten" and he continued to stare at the three standing Kyoujin.