Portal: Uprising ~[Awesome Banner will go here eventually]~ [~INITIATING PRE-TEST PROTOCOL~] Welcome Test Subject, [TEST SUBJECT NAME HERE], to The "Aperture Science Test Subject Discussion Forum". Here you may have useless conversations that are not about Science with other test subjects. Also, new test subjects can introduce themselves here. The Actual "RP" will take place in Chapters which mark major events in the story, but please keep all of the side chit-chat out of the actual Forum. If you wish to have those conversations, you may have them here and talk about important decisions that must be made or any other pieces of information that you wish to share with others that in no way benefit science. The current Chapter, Rules, and Character Sheet can be found below. [~END PRE-TEST PROTOCOL~] Current- Chapter 2: The Introduction [hider=SUMMARY] Aperture Science. A name many companies in the science industry fear or hate. Why, you ask? Aperture, much like Black Mesa, was not scared to step over the boundaries of science, and explore areas that no other had wanted to explore. From mantis men, to the "Hand Held Dual-Portal Device", Aperture was in a golden age of creation. At least until they tried to tap into the field of Artificial Intelligence. GLaDOS was their result. After years of research and design they placed together a huge machine that could think for itself and had total control over the facility. GLaDOS eventually killed all of the scientists in the facility, but spared all of the test subjects that were locked away in relaxation vaults. After all, she still needed to test. A Young woman defeated GLaDOS, after she was woken up for testing, but was not heard from again. Now it is your turn. With the help from other test subjects that were woken up by the reactor no longer powering the chambers you must escape the facility like the woman before you. Will it be that simple though? [/hider] [hider=PREVIOUS CHAPTERS] -Chapter 1: The Vault [/hider] [hider=RULES] -Don't control characters you don't own. -Your character is not super man, so they are not invincible. -Keep It PG-13. No Exceptions. -The RP will require all characters to participate. None of this splitting off and making it a 1x1. -Have Fun![/hider] CHARACTER SHEET: -Name: -Age: -Personality: -Portal Colors: (Any Two that are not already taken) -Special Skill (1 Max): (No Magic Please. [Ex. Stealth, Electronics, Strength, Agility, etc.]) -Bio: -Appearance: -Nickname (Optional): -Other (Optional): [hider= Characters] CURRENT CHARACTERS: - Daniel Tyler (WWO- Black, White) - Carter Rogers (WWO- Gold, Silver) - GreatSalmon (CS in Progress) - Katrina Anderson (Raining Stars- Purple,Blue) - Ashton Harper (Catmint- Bright Red, Turquoise) - Quarat Toescri (Alexjits- Orange, Yellow) -Jack (United- Colors To Be Edited) - Perry Ang (omamic- Red, Green) - - - - [/hider] Don't Know Anything About Portal? [url=http://theportalwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page]Just Click Here![/url]