Hopefully this is alright ^^' Let me know if it needs changing or anything [b][u]Plot Sheet:[/b][/u] [b][u]Title:[/b][/u] Masquerade Madness [i]Shall we dance?[/i] [b][u]Villains:[/b][/u] [hider=Main Villains: ] [img] http://cs316518.vk.me/v316518451/53f6/mO2DuI5hpPQ.jpg[/img] Name: Deucalion Age: 367 (Appears 25) Gender: Male Species/Race: Ancient Shape shifter ([b]W.I.P[/b] I haven't finished Deucalion's CS but I'll add it in here as soon as I have) [img] https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR-c_BRQTN8NWgeduik3Si2JfyxIYyOQM7wRP7f-Fx34yt0k0Wj[/img] Name: Danny ‘Dash’ Crawford Age: 20 Gender: Male Species/Race: Skinwalker Powers: A Skinwalker is a person with the supernatural ability to turn into any animal he or she desires. To be able to transform, legend sometimes state this requires that the Skinwalker does wear a pelt of the animal, though this is not always considered necessary. Dash only requires a piece of the creature to turn into it, the smaller the piece the more energy it takes for him to transform. He can shape shift into a Nightmare Form, at will without needing a pelt or piece of it to copy. He can mimic others via this method; all he needs is a strand of hair. He can mimic others powers without changing his ‘skin’ though he prefers to mimic the whole person. They also possess the ability to make any human or animal noise they choose. A skinwalker may use the voice of a relative or the cry of an infant to lure victims out of the safety of their homes. Skinwalkers use charms to instil fear and control in their victims. Such charms include human bone beads launched by blowguns, which embed themselves beneath the surface of the skin without leaving a mark and human bone dust which can cause paralysis and heart failure. Weaknesses: The only way to successfully shoot a skinwalker is to dip bullets into white ash, f no white ash is present is to shoot the skinwalker in human form. Otherwise the skinwalker can be mortally wounded through many different ways but will eventually heal over time. Blind in his right eye Personality: TBD Background: Danny hasn’t had the smoothest journey through life, he’s been passed from one family to the next from the word go. No-one wanting to keep a hold of him due to his behavior and deep seated issues, Danny learnt how to survive the world of foster caring. He refused to believe anyone could ‘love’ him and he stoically fought everyone that tried, refusing to let them in and often forcing people to reject him. Danny knew very little about his powers until around about age 12 when Danny met Deucalion a powerful shape shifter that had recognized Danny’s potential from the word go. Deucalion went through the lengthy process of adopting Danny, using his shady business ordeals to make it happen. Over the next 4 years Deucalion taught Danny everything he could possibly need to know of his powers, he also successfully broke into the boys shell filling it with his own propaganda. Danny willingly believed him and agreed to help in any way he could. He met Crash when he was 16, the two got on like a house on fire from the word go. Danny adopted the nickname Dash around this time, having not been beaten at a 100 metre race. A year later NIx came onto the scene, Dash recognized her as one of Deucalion’s disciples but thought little of it, she was a perfect fit for their little group. Turning them into the three musketeers...Dash grew increasingly involved with drugs over the next couple of years leaving high school way before Crash did he immersed himself in Deucalion’s back street deals as well as enjoying the occasional hit when he could get it. He was around when Crash’s parents were killed; he took Crash away from everything taking him to New York to live with him whilst he needed him. The next step came when Dash introduced Crash to Deucalion opening the door into Deucalion’s group of shapeshifter’s. Unfortunately when Crash 'escaped' from Deucalion's grasp after having the 'Nightmare Form' revealed to him, Deucalion blamed Dash and has been giving him a hard time ever since. Extra: Dash [i]hates[/i] humans whether they have unique powers or not. He considers Crash as a brother despite everything. Dash has always envied Crash and thus has considered him his rival for many years unbeknownst to the red-haired shapeshifter. Dash is extremely fast and agile with killer reflexes that he has defined over the years. Dash has many different accounts as to how he lost the sight in his right eye its hard to tell which one is true. Also interestingly when he shapeshifts, If you stare into his eyes, his right eye will flicker back to its normal white filmed look. An easy way to be detected...he generally avoids eye contact but he can forget on occasion. [img] http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b503/sleepingtusk/swimming-bikini-water-sexy-woman-pink-hair-anime-girl-listening-to-music-505218_zpsa8d6443b.jpg [/img] [img] http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-nuntyh1Ys74/Tlq_2BKeTDI/AAAAAAAAADU/4BKctww9Esg/s1600/Anime_Girl.jpg [/img] Name: Annie ‘Nix’ Travis (Real Name: Astrid Lindberg) Age: 173 (Though she will say she is only 20) Gender: Female Species/Race: Nix shape shifter A Nix is a shape shifting water spirit who usually appears in human form, unlike the Selkie shape shifters a Nix is capable of shifting at will by visualizing the animal they wish to be. They favour water animals or mythical creatures associated with the sea or water in general. They have a natural affinity with water; Nix can control water to a degree she can pull it from the air or ground around her, using it to form protective bubbles or prisons as well as marking arcs or powerful jet sprays. She can manipulate currents in the ocean and command the waves Powers:. [u]Blasting Off Again:[/u] Nix summons jets of water from nearby water sources and directs them at her targets, if caught in a blast there is a chance of being thrown quite a distance, in severe causes you’ll be nothing but a glinting star in the sky as they’re thrown unceremoniously from the battlefield. She also uses the torrents to hold down her enemies though she can only hold them for 30 seconds, she could potentially crush them within this time. [u]Cool your jets:[/u] Nix pulls the moisture from the air around her using her hands she winds the streams of water into a ball in her hands before firing it at her target, on impact the water begins to freeze and spread across the target. Nix uses this ability to slow down her targets as the ice takes a long time to spread. [u]Davy Jone’s locker:[/u] Nix encloses her target in a sphere of water, sealing them in place with whatever air they were able to pull into their lungs before it happened. The bubble can ONLY be broken from the outside; she can have 3-4 prisons active at one time. [u]Bubble beam:[/u] As it sounds, Nix raises her hand as if to blow a kiss except as her hand moves away from her mouth a torrent of light blue or clear bubbles stream towards her target they hit with the same force as bullets generally used as a knock back or distraction they grow larger and become less potent the further they travel from her. [u]Wherefore art thou Romeo?:[/u] Nix creates a [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-oRnzAdWV6Nk/UuljyNCU0ZI/AAAAAAAABbI/yvt7X2-w9IE/s1600/Water+Dragon.png] large serpent like dragon[/url] his skeleton is made up of thick ice that is protected by a swirling cover of water, he will go out of his way to protect her taking any damage thrown her way and relentlessly assaulting her enemies. He shoots water from his nose and creates ice beams with his mouth. He is by far her strongest attack option. [u]Beauty Sleep:[/u] Nix can heal herself if she immerses herself completely in a natural water reserve for just a few hours, she generally takes on the form of a manatee when resting in river beds or a mermaid in other areas. It would take twice as long to heal if she used processed water, for example if she were to run a bath and lie in it she would very slowly heal, talking more along the lines of 48 hours depending on the extent of the damage. [u]Siren’s Song:[/u] Nix spent centuries defining her singing voice and took great care in making her image as appealing to the opposite sex as possible. When she sings only strong willed males are able to resist her, she uses her voice to attract them to her she can influence the weaker minded via this. To a normal woman the song repels them assaulting their ears with an angry scream; this does not apply to those with same sex tendencies they can fall under her thrall. [u]Shapeshifting:[/u] Nix can change her shape to mimic other forms though she favours water based creatures or mythical creatures. Her most common forms are a white horse, a human form and a mermaid form. Weaknesses: [u]Shock me not:[/u] Nix is vulnerable to electricity; it doesn’t mix well with any of her abilities. She wears headphones that absorb electricity should it come near her, if they’re taken from her and electricity is fired at her she’s pretty much out for the count. [u]Humane:[/u] Nix isn’t like the others, she has fewer problems with killing people she doesn’t know but she draws the line when it comes to hurting those she has grown attached to. She would never harm a child under the age of 16. She believes you’re pretty much grown by then anyway. [u]Heatstroke:[/u] Nix needs to stay fairly hydrated, putting her somewhere she cannot reach water will cut her off from her powers. If she becomes too dehydrated her body will eventually give up and cease to function at a faster pace than most humans her body cannot hold water like the human body. [u]That’s not my name:[/u] If Nix’s real name is spoken it is quite frankly the end of her, her powers would be stripped from her and she would be paralyzed. That way Nix could be executed or left to waste away, the damage is not reversible as far as anyone is aware. Personality: To be revealed IC (please...) Background: Nix has spent centuries guarding an unoccupied spring up in the mountains of the Sarek National Park in the province of Lapland in Northern Sweden. She would sing to attract company unaware the effect her song had on woman she would often draw the attention of men or children when they traveled up the mountains. Nix was rarely unkind to people in the beginning, most viewed themselves lucky to have seen her and were always very pleasant towards her. Her attitude towards humans changed when she was seduced by a young man, he was given a challenge, one he succeeded in and in the process broke Nix’s heart. She became wrathful in her endeavors purposefully luring men to her, she would challenge their character if they were not gentlemanly she would simply drown them if they were she would reward them by allowing them to leave. After countless cases of people going missing were reported, people tended to avoid Nix’s spring some would still travel there but only to see whether the rumors were true. Most did not return...unless they were children. When Nix turned 169 she met Deucalion for the first time, he had heard the rumors and come to investigate her. After showing complete resistance to her charm, Nix merely attempted to drown him after a very short battle Deucalion over powered her, after all he was overtly combat savvy where as she had never fought anyone in her life. Deucalion filled her head with ideals and promised to give her the one thing she had always craved companionship. Sold by his ideas she left the sanctuary of her spring and traveled with him for a while, he taught her pretty much everything she knows. She views Deucalion as a god and doesn’t really understand his operations in the human world, she does as she’s asked no questions. She was often paired with Dash to carry out Deucalion’s orders. Nix met Crash when he came to live with Dash , she pretty much latched onto him from the word go, she was drawn to his positive attitude though she found his ‘Good morals’ tiresome especially when he refused to do certain jobs, namely killing or parcel running. She learnt early on he could be tricked into running parcels if he didn’t know the contents, he was quick to trust her word. Crash encouraged Nix to be more humane over the short period they worked together, some of it actually stuck with her but Crash was never able to shade her view of Deucalion. She shut him out when he tried, burying any feelings she may have had for him deep within her. Extra: Nix is the only shape shifter that does not rely on shifting forms to fight, she uses her shifting powers more to disguise herself outside of combat. Though she is a water spirit she is still considered a shape shifter by nature, her kind can never return to their spirit form as it has slowly been bred out of them. They have become more human over the years due to cross species partnership. Nix has an obsession with changing her hair color, she generally prefers having pink hair but has been known to switch from blonde to blue and so forth. Nix has no quarrels with humans though she has drowned many a foolish man in her past, despite the legends she has never harmed a child and only ever acted in self defence to protect her spring and her innocence. ((Deucalion is the main antagonist; Nix and Dash are sort of like his left and right hand lieutenants. There is room for at least one more major villain if anyone wants to do one ^^ Otherwise I’m quite willing to hand over control of Dash, I’d like him to be Crash’s rival if possible, he could be revamped providing his name and ability stay the same?...though I'd really like Nix to be mine >.>)) [/hider] [b][u]Arc:[/b][/u] [hider=Extra info on Crash:] Crash is a settler, a rare mutation in shape shifters. It is the ability to eventually 'settle' on one form. The settled form will give him access to the chosen forms powers as well as becoming fully vulnerable to their weaknesses. Settlers are not considered the most powerful of the shifters by any means, it is the opposite of what they are. But they are held in high respect because whilst they are still able to shift, their powers can be transferred over without having to fully change form. The mutation is common in pure blooded shifters. For example: Sensitive hearing and enhanced scent could be constantly active whilst being in human form instead of badger form. Crash would be experiencing these cross over’s at the moment. Some of the most common triggers for a settler to choose a form and stick to it is love or finding a place where they belong, as shifters prefer to move around instead of settling anywhere. Shifters can form tight knit family groups but generally prefer a solitary lifestyle until they find their life mates, this doesn’t mean they do not stay in contact it just means meetings/large gatherings are rare. It takes a strong leader to group them together for long periods of times or dire circumstances. [/hider] [hider=History:] The underground shifter movement :D led by an ancient shape shifter Deucalion, he wants control and he hates humans with a burning passion. He is a man of vision, his vision is for supernatural forces to rule the earth and enslave the humans instead of hiding in the shadows. Although he has appealed too many of the supernatural's biggest leaders, the vampires, the witches/magic wielders, the demons (ones not associated with hell), the spirits. But they brushed his ideals aside deeming Shape shifter s too weak to even be recognized as a race by them. Since then he has been gathering shape shifter followers, increasing his numbers and seeking out unique qualities in his race. Having an infinite knowledge of his heritage he has a very good idea on how to prove to the others he is worth their time. Crash is the first settler he knew of, he planted Dash in Crash’s world on purpose using him to manipulate Crash into trusting him. Deucalion is responsible for the death of Crash’s parents, he has in fact controlled Crash’s entire life by pulling strings behind the scenes making certain things happen that would push the family to places he wanted them to be, unbeknownst to them for years. When Crash’s parents became aware of Deucalion’s involvement in their lives, they were killed before they could escape his net. Deucalion was one of the first Shape shifter s to discover the 'Nightmare form' whilst in ancient Egypt studying his ancestors, he spread it through his disciples. He has plans for Crash although he hasn't been able to completely pull Crash into his net, he had been working very hard to give Crash no choice but to turn to him by crumbling his life around him. When Crash left his group unexpectedly Deucalion was furious, he blamed Dash for allowing him to slip through his fingers before he could reveal the 'nightmare form' to him. Of course he devised a way to do it sneakily and at the same time force Crash to return to him...it backfired, pushing Crash further away by cutting ties with Dash and trying to disappear. Deucalion found him quickly but by then Mercy had already taken him away and completely out of Deucalion’s reach. Knowing better than to go up against Mercy's group of misfits he has been behind the scenes plotting and scheming. He is the reason Mercy pushed for Crash to go to Athalia thinking he would be safer there Deucalion believes Crash will be able to master the nightmare form, and ultimately bring its traits through to his human form by 'settling'. He has then devised a way to imprint the modified nightmare form to his shape shifters giving them the ability to utilize the raw power of the nightmare form in any form they shape shift to. [/hider] [hider=The General backbone of the story:] Break up the idea into acts with a goal that must be reached in order to push it forward. By the end of it Crash will be settled with different powers. Act 1 – [i]My Masquerade[/i] Masquerade Ball, meet Deucalion. Aim of the act introducing the 3 to 4 main enemies and revealing their reasons for entering the school; bring them in under the cover of the masquerade ball. They will leave alive regardless of what the student’s do having left them with an ultimatum. ((I have a chunk of writing on how things would look at the ball and stuff, would really like it to be taken into consideration should this plot roll!)) Act 2 – [i]Friend or Foe[/i] Decisions to be made as to how to move forward, two outcomes the students prepare to fight off Deucalion and put an end to his schemes or they send Crash to his fate. Each decision leads down a different path in act 3 and to a different outcome in Act 4. Path 1 - The students opt to send Crash to Deucalion. Path 2 - They let him stay and prepare to fight. Act 3- [i]What have you done?[/i] Consequences of act 2 either way this act will conclude with Deucalion’s army invading the school and hopefully being obliterated. Path 1 - if Crash is sent away Deucalion will still come for the students using them to test the strength of his army. But his companions will be stronger after fusing with Crash's genes, in this case Deucalion will not fight, he will send the other 3 to do his dirty work. Path 2- If Crash is allowed to stay; Deucalion will send Nix, Dash and ? along with weaker versions of his disciples. They will attempt to take Crash by force and to eradicate the students as they do, they can or can't succeed in getting Crash’s DNA, Dash will not be able to die. Act 4- [i]The War is Over[/i] The conclusion, Deucalion will reveal himself for the last time a few days after the battle has ended, telling Crash he won't give up is dreams and will grow stronger that they should all watch their backs Two possible endings. Tying up any loose ends that will probably be queried over the course of the season. Crash will have settled into new powers, time to relax before the next season. Final Outcomes- [i]Be Somebody[/i] Crash’s new powers and changes to be announced (with GM approval) Path 1 - Crash would have already settled into his new powers and will return although he will have changed become more damaged, will re-script his character. Deucalion will appear. Path 2 - When Deucalion appears Crash will promise him that he'll never allow him to complete his plans. Deucalion swears vengeance on the students and the academy. Crash will refuse to kill him. This doesn't mean someone else can't end Deucalion. Dash will appear apologizing for his involvement and that he underestimated him and the others, he will warn Crash that next they meet only one will survive the encounter. ((Random bit of info: Yes a lot of these acts have songs as titles >.> Their lyrics may not match but they were inspirational :P)) [/hider] [b][u]Involved:[/b][/u] Anyone and Everyone :D Although the main antagonist is after Crash primarily, any one that has the ability to shape-shift will pull the villains attention, though if its only one shape he won’t be [i]as[/i] interested, if you’re not cool with this let me know. [b][u]When:[/b][/u] Whenever it suits