Dr Douglas never slept for more than a few hours. It went against her basic human instinct which told her that she had to be working or she wasn't productive. A little while later - it was impossible to tell when - Dr Douglas found herself coming to, sprawled across her favourite leather armchair. She blinked several times and scanned her room, to find a man that she didn't know lain asleep across one of her dark leather coaches. Her eyes widened for a split seconds, as she tried to recall the events prior to her nap and sighed in relief when it all came flooding back. And then, she tensed again, when she realised the memory of her evening was not a good thing. Someone had tried to kill her. What a surreal thought. Sure, students at her lectures sometimes verbalized their boredom or complained at her marking, but they didn't ever attempt to physically harm her. For the first time, she'd actually feared for her life and it had ripped away the cocoon of safety she hadn't realised was surrounding her. She struggled to her feet and caught sight of her reflection in the blank TV screen; her hair was stuck up on one side and large bags hung beneath her eyes. She grimaced. She retrieved a hairbrush from a drawer and dragged it through her brunette locks, until it once again resembled that of a normal person rather than a dazed sewer rat. She kept her eyes locked warily on the sleeping man - a mutant, like her, she remembered - as she edged out the room. What a bizarre thought. She headed towards her kitchen and found two girls inside - one digging in heartily, one hanging back tentatively. Though she could remember them both, she still couldn't picture have them in her stylish home and yet, here they were. "Go on - before your friend scoffs everything," Dr Douglas mumbled to the girl in the cheerleader outfit, shrugging. She noticed that she was still wearing her (now rumpled) jacket and shrugged out of it, hanging it up by the refrigerator as she switched on her coffee maker and poured herself a black coffee. She took a seat at the small glass table in the corner of the room. She wasn't used to see people potter around her house - she didn't entertain visitors very often. Not only did she feel like she had a killer hangover - so [i]that[/i] was the side effect of mutant power overuse - but she still felt half asleep. But once awake, she could never return to sleep. "You guys not got to be anywhere? No worried parents? Friends?" she asked them both, with a raised eyebrow, taking a sip of the hot liquid.