[i]It was well past noon by the time Will awoke. She was sprawled on a bed that was not her own, with a young girl in one arm, and a bottle of beer in the other. Bleary eyed and in need of a shower, Will groaned, setting the alcohol aside to rub away the drowsiness from her vision. As she did so, she felt her head beginning to pulse, the oh-so familiar realization of a hangover beginning to kick in. The girl couldn’t help but sigh and groan once more. With her arm curled around the half-naked girl, Will glimpsed down to find several hickeys placed just above her chest, and clumsily placed elsewhere about her stomach. Obviously the work of a drunk. Using her vacant arm to hoist her body up slightly, Will gently slid her other arm out from under the girl, managing to all but escape the sleeping maiden before the door was thrust open. “What the fuck?” a boy shouted, bursting into the room. The girl, startled, immediately went for the covers, scrambling to drape them over her body. Damn, she had nice tits. Instinctively, Will went to grab her things, not bothering to say much to the furious boy. She’d slept with a bisexual. She’d promised herself she wouldn’t ever do such a thing, and here she was, bending over her clothes as the boy closed in on her, grabbing her by the throat and throwing her against the wall. The girl on the bed screeched in protest, but made no attempt to come to Will’s rescue. Typical. She did, however, motion to the hickeys that covered Will’s body, claiming that she loved Will. To her dismay, this only infuriated the boy further, his grip tightening on her throat. Will began to squirm. She writhed and fought to breathe, but did not prevail in doing so. She felt herself beginning to go unconscious when the boy finally released her, her body slumping to the ground. Hacking, the girl stood to her feet, grinning slightly while the boy turned his attention to the girl. Grabbing her things quickly, she rushed out the door in nothing but a sports bra and boxers. Thudding down the stairs, she heard the calls of the boy not far behind her. “Come back you fucking faggot!” he barked. Swiping her keys off the counter, she hurried out the door, looking back every so often to see that the boy wasn’t on her tail. He was gaining on her, though. Fumbling with her things, she unlocked the car just in time to climb in and lock the doors. Will thought this to be the boy’s reason to stop, but the moment the doors locked, he began pounding on the window. “Goddammit,” she muttered, jamming the key into the ignition. Giving the boy one last snide look, she said, “I’m pretty sure your girl is a lesbian, dude. If she wasn’t before, she definitely is now.” With that, she sped off, never to see that boy or that girl with the nice tits ever again.[/i] Will threw up. She hadn’t meant to, really, but it was a lovely sight to see for everyone. A majority of her puke had been alcohol, beef jerky, and McDonald’s she’d had the night before. The rest had been stomach acid and water. The girl keeled over the pile of half-digested food and hurled to her stomach’s content, her body trembling as the brisk air hit her damp skin. She felt like shit. There was really no other way of describing it. Her brain was fried, her body was sore, and she’d just puked up half the planet. To top it all off, she was utterly exhausted. She hadn’t slept in ages, and she didn’t know how long it would be before she would collapse due to sleep deprivation. Bringing herself to sit upright was a challenge unlike any other, but she pulled herself to sit with her legs crossed, well away from her pile of yuck and only inches away from Chase. He, too, looked quite awful. Not in the sense that she did, as she was pale and wounded, but in a sense that he appeared tired. His eyes had bored into the ground in deep thought much before he'd asked Alex where they would go. “Wait,” she croaked, having not heard Alex mentioning their needing to leave. “What? Where the fuck are we gonna go? Last I checked, this was the closest thing to a home we had.” Which wasn’t exactly an exaggeration. Will didn’t have a home to return to. The day she decided to leave, she was being kicked out for three months’ worth of late rent, spending all of her earnings on alcohol and weed. Granted, there were other places she could go, but the chances of her finding a job as quickly as she did last time were minuscule. This place had been her last hope and she’d taken a shot. Now, whether she liked to admit it or not, this was her home. This was her… ‘Family’, so to speak. Just thinking about that made her want to vomit even more. Glancing over at Anelise and Helena, she saw that Helena as well had been through a hell of a lot. Though Will didn’t remember much, she did recall her trying this energy transferring shit on her not too long ago. It’d hurt like hell, no doubt, but perhaps it’d worked to an extent. Her body ached every time she moved, but it was nothing compared to what it had been back on the road. She was grateful. “Thank you – both of you,” she said, her eyes flicking from both girls. They were well wrapped in each other’s arms, and she spotted the anxious look on Anelise’s face for whatever Helena had done. She’d flown them back to the house, that much she was certain of, and brought herself to a point at which she wasn’t capable of reaching yet. Much like Will had. [i]Dumb ass.[/i] Looking back to Alex, she shrugged, a tad defeated. She knew that X wouldn’t have demanded they leave just for shits and giggles. Something was happening, and although Will wanted nothing more than to stay here, there was no time to ask questions. She had to just hope for the best, and be on guard for what was to come. “When do we leave?”