Walking along Chris frowned in concentration trying to place Hot Rods face, a few moments later her face lit up with realisation. “Oh you’re that one.” She exclaimed, then realised what she had said. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude but it’s just that, um, I’ve uh, met so many people with similar names.” Well this was going well. Chris had barely been speaking to the guy for more than a minute and already she had insulted him. Feeling herself go a bit red Chris quickly attempted to fix the situation. “Not that your name isn’t unique and all, it’s just, I, um.” Chris very much wished the ground would swallow her up. He probably thought she was stupid and horrible and not worth being around. “I, uh, don’t really keep up with the news all that much.” She quickly looked away trying to hide her embarrassment. She hated it when this happened. In that field talking to people was no problem but the moment she tried to socialise she would get all panicky and flustered worrying about what the other person thought of her and it was ten times worse if she had to go on stage and talk to hundreds of people. Her eyes scoured the big hall they were no in hunting for the sign to the toilets so she could change and remove herself from the situation. She still needed to call her friends and family about the good news, as well as maybe sort out some other arrangements such as a hotel or something for the next few days while she got everything sorted out.