The world has stayed the same for many centuries, life has revolved around magic, it became a essential for every day living. That is until steam and thaumaturgy were discovered, as the two elements intertwined, it slowly became a equivalent to the old magic, the races and peoples who still used it waged a bloody war against those who trust in technology, but we underestimated our enemy, they had prepared when we had assumed they had not, we were forced to retreat into the largest remaining kingdom left which had not yet outlawed the old magic and peoples who use it, deep in the heart of the wilderness. We have built up our defenses, cloaking the city with the use of magic, patiently waiting for the day our enemy returns, it is feared that the day is almost upon us. - The Intrepid Scholar, Leader Of The Free Magics. [b]The ancient city of Ahkens:[/b] [hider=My Spoiler] The city of Ahkens sits on a large island, the lake it is place on, is surrounded by towering evergreens, the city has one large bridge, which leads from the city gates to the outlying forest. The city is surrounded entirely by monumental walls, towers stand elevated above even the walls, perfectly placed to give a nice view of the forests entirety. Ballistas sit atop these towers, and guards patrol the walls. In the center of the city lies the one of most magnificent towers ever constructed, this is where The Intrepid Scholar and is council lives, and rules. They rarely leave the safety and comfort of the expertly crafted structure, few enter and leave the heart of this city. The city has several districts for the various races, various marketplaces, libraries, schools, etc. [/hider] [b]The Forsaken:[/b] [hider=My Spoiler] This group of magic users, have turned to the dark arts, they have infiltrated several different cities run entirely by anti-magic governments, and are reluctant allies of the council and even The Great Scholar himself. They fight for the freedom and preservation of all forms of magic, in a dark twisted way, they are feared by most, even fellow magic users. [/hider] [b]The Eternals:[/b] [hider=My Spoiler] This group is made up of several races, most of them powerful magic users. They are treated like royalty, although they are only based in the great city of Ahkens they fight just as valiantly as any, in fact they are some of the most powerful warriors in magics history, using the power of light more so than the shadows, and dark arts. [/hider] So this is very underdeveloped, thats why i would like one or more literate, active, and helpful people to help me think of more, to help me expand upon this idea, tying loose ends, creating cultures, histories, governments, and much more. If you would be interested in doing this with me, please PM me, if you would like to join this, please tell me on this thread :D. I would like to work on things via google docs, thank you for your time!