Alright, first and foremost, before I do anything else. There's a twist to this RP. It will be a normal slice of life, but when you make a character- You won't be playing them! Once enough people make characters, I will randomly select pairs, and they'll swap characters! You play their creation, they play yours. The selections will be totally random, to add a whole lot of fun to it. It's more fun to learn a character, than already know them~ So, if this idea turns you away, so be it. Those of you that are intrigued- Get in here! ^^ The story: It's a slice of life town! For the mostpart, it'll be pretty cliche. A bunch of highschoolers in a small town in Maine, surviving school and lives at home, living out completely normal lives in a completely normal town. (Not a real town, a fictional one~. Realistic fiction, mind.) We'll have lazy bums, jocks, preps, nerds, geeks, outcasts, loners, stoners! Any character somebody can make is welcome. However, the RP -will- close to recruitment at ten players. Too many tends to burn out due to absences. I beg of you all, don't flake out! Now, on to the fun bits of the plot. While it will be a normal slice-of-life deal, over time the town will begin to see changes of a poor variety. Mysterious deaths, shady characters.... A branch of some Mafia or another moving in for operations! Who knows, we might even end up involved... This will happen slowly, over time, and become prominent later down the line. The Town: Our little town of creation will not be created until I have at least -five- people interested. Once those people join in, we will discuss the town and craft it as a group. My only expectations are that it is a town, not a big city- Something like the towns most of us live in. Plenty of people, spanned out over a large area, a highschool or two, a downtown full of shops and such. Not too small, but nothing like New York, or Detroit.