[center][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/531a43c44625a0a2f88f84913e91b7f5/tumblr_ml8p8zfUux1rvxdlco1_500.gif[/img][/center] Thankfully the worse was behind them, for now. And he could finally dash off into another cozy corner in outer space. The Doctor was often amused by the first impressions the TARDIS had on people. And this blond called Olivia was no different than the others who had graced the control room of the TARDIS. She seemed to enjoy its madness as much as he did. He grinned and walked in after her and closed the door, as he didn't need it becoming a huge ordeal. Thankfully they were in a remote enough area that stragglers from the university probably wouldn't find them. Even so, no one would get in without his say so. He propped himself against the closed door and folded his arms, watching her. She then said she had some questions and he nodded, not minding a little Q and A session. One would think that after so many years, he would grow weary of answering the same questions but he didn't. Nope, the Doctor was fond of teaching and talking and babbling and wandering around and all that. Her first question asked about the aliens. He thought he covered that already. "Well they're an old race which has hidden itself within the Earth. They are your reptilian ancestors, like another branch of your genetic tree." He tried to explain. "There are many many different types of variants of the Silurians. The ones who we happened across were more humanoid in appearance, they didn't have a third eye but then again we only crossed paths with very few so there really is no telling what's what down there but I don't think we should poke around and get ourselves into anymore trouble." He hummed. Her second question was if he was alien, why did he appear human? "I am alien." He corrected her. "And Time Lords appear as your kind do but don't get too cocky there," He grinned. "it isn't as though humans were the first looking humans to pop up...oh does that make sense?" He wondered and shrugged. "It's quite alright, you're just thinking in ways your brain can connect." A pause. "But what makes me human? Oh I just answered that didn't I?" He muttered. "What were you saying now?" The Doctor asked her and then he remembered. "What makes me alien? Well I just am. I'm from the planet Gallifrey, beautiful place, just so magnificent." He said wistfully. "You're alien too you know." He pointed out to her. "But that label should really be rethought..." He trailed off, not too certain that it was a term people used with kindness just because they found something different. But he was spacing out again and that wasn't very polite. Finally he reached the end of her list of questions. "Well this baby can disguise anywhere it's parked. Say in Rome, it would look like a statue until I say otherwise but when I was in the 1950s, 60s, it glitched and stayed this way and well I rather like it so I found no reason to change it back." He smiled to her. "Alright then?" He walked up to his control and pressed a few buttons, paced around to the other side of the central system and then gave a bell a little ding. "I think you and I should go somewhere a lot less...intense." He suggested. "For helping me." But also sort of not. He told Olivia. He thought about where they should go, and where she might enjoy herself. "How about a trip back in time eh? You like history right? History is great." He grinned and entered in the right date and time and location. "Hold on tight!" He said enthusiastically and kicked the machine and it rumbled and shook. Letting out a laugh, he felt himself home, well as close to him as he could get. He glanced over his shoulder to see the human girl struggling a little but the ride was as stable as it could get. The ride ended and he parked the machine and ran a hand through his hair, making he looked good. "Why won't we go on out and check it out." He said to her with a simple smile and moved to the door and pulled it open for her. "Welcome to Southwark, 1599. I thought we may go see a show...Shakespeare perhaps?" The Doctor suggested to her. They headed outside, the night was just settling into the busy town. They walked around. The scents of bread, dirt, dung, flowers and wine were all around them. He pocketed his hands, getting comfortable already. He leaned in close to her. "Why don't we linger for a bit, oh watch it." He pulled her to the side as something emptied above them. "Camber pots." He explained though he had a feeling he didn't need to. The girl seemed smart enough to know her history fairly well so he hoped she would enjoy herself. "I think the Globe Theater is this way." He offered his arm for her to take so they could go and see a real play in person. The Doctor was a big fan of William Shakespeare and would sometimes pop in for a show every now and again, but he always tried to stay out of trouble.