[i]"No one should be alone..."[/i] [b]"Hm. You truly live up to your title as a Water Hygron. I oughta be more like you." [/b]Cora said halfheartedly, leaning back from the bars. She tilted her head to the side, thinking. Holding up her cuffed hands, she created a hovering sphere of crystalline ice. Tendrils and mist swirled off the slowly rotating ball. It was almost transparent, glinting in the light. With a finger she poked it, and it rippled on the spot, fluid waves reaching all the way around the sphere. Stretching and pulling at the ball, Cora continually tested it to behave like water rather than ice.  [b]"I can manipulate ice like this, takes a bit of concentration. It looks fluid like your element, but as soon as I stop..." [/b]The ball stretched and swirled out of her cage, swimming through the air as it made for Will's hands. She dropped it in his lap, and the ball of ice was merely a ball of ice. Solid, cold, and unforgiving.  [b]"I am destined to be forever cold without feeling it. It's fun to play pretend, though."[/b] Cora said, the slightest smile on her face. [b]"Our situation is fucked, Will. But... I do appreciate you following me. Did you tell the group at all where you were headed?"[/b]