[b]Vygorn[/b] A dark shadow was sitting in one of the military tents. None of his features could be seen, only the general shape of his standing body. [b]"We have captured two of them, but we don't know how many more there are. ... They came one by one. ... Understood, we will act immediately. Out."[/b] The uncomprehensible static noise from within the tent ceased and the figure stepped out onto the dimly lit roads of the scout camp. He walked over to the cell tent where the two intruders were held. He didn't actually think the cell tent would be useful in any ways. They haven't had any resistance around this area for over a decade now. The continent was totally secure. As was the whole world. Of course there still were some rebel and terrorist groups, mainly in Eastern Europe, but they either had no idea about what was really happening. [i]Vrail has the planet under his little finger, and the solar system with it. Soon, it will just be lifeless, unprotected matter, which is then ready to be complitely... deleted![/i] He walked into the tent and saw the two captives close to the divider bars, probably talking to each other. [b]"So you know each other. All the better."[/b] The Vygorn turned and ordered calmly [b]"Take them to the truck."[/b] Two Vygorns entered into each cell and grabbed the prisoners, with two more Vygorns behind each one of them. Soon they arrived to a truck, which had hard, smooth and strong walls and doors as well as dark colored windows. Without saying a word, the Vygorns threw in the man and the girl, literally, into the back of the truck. Two Vygorn climbed in, sitting down on little benches on the sides, to keep watch on the prisoners in case they tried to escape. The doors shut and in the next five seconds, the truck was already on the way. The Vygorn sitting in the passenger seat took out his radio phone again. [b]"We are on our way. There seem to be more of them, we will try to draw them out."[/b] The doors opened almoat immediately after the truck came to a halt. It was a short trip, but they needed to be fast. They were out into the open, close to Riverdale.The Vygorns pulled the prisoners out of the truck, and tied their mouth so they wouldn't be able to speak or make long noises in general. Then they made them kneel on the ground, next to each other, amids all the junk and trash. An offroad military vehicle stopped near the truck, and a Vygorn quicly jumped down. "Everyone's in position. We are waiting for the signal" [b]"Good. Now, we wait."[/b]