Name: Jonathan Pantheon: None Pantheon Head: N/A Nation: Scanvalia City landscape: It's a land that is just as beautiful as it is confusing. It's heavily wooded area with trees that go up to the clouds and valleys that go down beyond sight. It doesn't have many shrubs or hills it very flat other than the deep valleys. The trees there are hundreds of years old and have a natural beauty to them. People come from all around to see the beautiful forest and the even more beautiful city in the middle which is half suspend in the canopy of the trees going all the way down into the deep dark valleys. It is very easy to get lost in Scanvalia which makes it a natural defence. Personality: Jonathan is very light hearted and not very hardened due to his lack of war. He prefers to be a neutral party in wars and help both sides out of kindness. He is very calm most of the time but is also pretty happy and energetic when he's enjoy his time off. Legend: Jonathan was born in Scanvalia before it was civilized. Back then all that was there were warring tribes of primal acting humans. Jonathan was born to average human parents who raised him to be like anyone else. But he wasn't like everyone else. He wasn't good at the hunt and preferred to play with animals and plants rather kill them. One fateful day he was outside playing with the animals when a member of a warring tribe impaired him with a spear which would have killed him. If it hadn't been for the anomaly. Rather than die Jonathan was given life from a higher entity to have ever existed on this plane of existence and was given the power of nature. After getting up from the ground Jonathan could hear voices below him. It was the grass and the trees spoke to him. Suddenly animal growls and snarls were words and sentences he could now communicate with animals and plants. He then used his new powers that he gained to bring about the entire land that would be Scanvalia under his compassionate rule. Now with no more wars between the tribes they began to prosper together in the trees and deep in valleys. Now the boy once known as Jonathan was now still known as Jonathan. Title: King of Nature Entitled Powers: -Able to talk to animals and plants -can empower plants to allow themselves to move (example: empowering a tree so it can move its branches) -He can give his followers or anyone really a vial of his blood which is now a neon turquoise colour which when drank will turn the drinker into part plant like creature giving the drinker bark like skin and enhanced agility. -he can enter a ghost like state where he becomes barley visible and can run very fast and is near weightless. Gained Powers: None Misc: He is the size of an average human and has a fairly muscular build. He wears a living plant robe that's also adorned with the fur of animals that died of natural causes. He has a helmet made from a bear skull.