Will listened to Cora with intent. Then the ice came to him. He rubbed it in his hands until it became warm. He then played with it a little. "Being Ice isn't so bad. Adaptability, that's your strength. Watch." Will said and began to take away any melted water from the ice. "I gave the ice warmth" he began then had a hand with floating water and a hand with Ice "and now I have power. You're essential to the team Cora. If you believe you are destined for a cold heart, we can fix that." Will finished. "I mean we can damn well try" he said with a smile. "Did you tell the group at all where you were headed?" Cora asked after thanking him in a way. Will looked at her. "Kinda, I left a tra-" He was interrupted when two Vygorns took them and threw them into a truck. Two sat guard on their journey, Will lowered his head so the fedora covered his eyes. The truck came to a stop as they were binded and gagged with a rag. They were forced to kneel in the garbage. He looked at Cora, winked and let her see his eyes turn dim blue as he lowered his head so the Vygorns couldn't see his eyes. "This Fedora is great" he thought.