[center][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmftqcscWz1qa1itio1_500.gif[/img][/center] This was a lot to take in. You’d think after being at Oxford for as long as she has, that she would be used to receiving large amounts of unimaginable information in a short span of time but this, boy howdy this was a different story in amongst itself. There young Olivia Watson stood in the middle of a space ship that was a lot bigger on the inside than it was on the outside with an alien who looked a lot like he should be a human. Her hands went up into her blonde hair as her hazel eyes blinked listening to him talk. He was full of so much information that it was almost overwhelming. Almost is the key word; because it was also exciting. Olivia had an unremarkable drive to learn and this; this was someone she could learn from. Or something, whatever the proper term would be to use in this case. When he said that the term alien should really be rethought, her hands dropped from her hair and she opened her mouth to retort. A wave of realization moved across her face before she nodded, “You have a valid point.” She said simply before looking back around at the inside of the TARDIS. This was insane, a good insane though. How many people on Earth had a chance to walk inside a spaceship with a good looking man who is actually an alien. “Nahhhhhh,” She said pulling out the word as she followed him to the control panel. “The police box looks nice.” A nod left her as they arrived at the panel. Her drive to touch things was massive but she found her urge subsided by taking hold of what looked like it could be a handle bar as she stared at the machine in front of her. “It’s marvelous.” She said as her head rolled upward, following the mechanics of the machine spreading upwards and into the ceiling. “Incredible really.” Her head jerked back in the direction of The Doctor. Even though he said that she helped him, it was really about half and half. If she hadn’t jumped onto the Silurian’s back, it would have shot him and he could have died. But if he hadn’t come after her she could have ended up being a play thing or a science experiment; either way it was a bad situation. Her eyes brightened when he said something about the past, “Yes, yes please!!” Her voice was filled with excitement as he began to poke and prod at the machine. Had he not told her to hold on, she most likely would have been thrown to the ground. Instead her grip on the handle in front of her tightened and she was able to prevent herself from being trashed about; though it rocked like a rollercoaster. The laughter from the pilot said that this was normal but Olivia was far from complaining. The jerking of the machine seemed to stop rather suddenly and the blonde stood there wide eyed in surprise as if expecting to hear more of a breaking system then the stop she had received. Blinking a few times, she watched the lanky man run his hand through his puffy hair causing it to be crazy yet fitting for his personality at the same time. Nothing that she was complaining or anything of the sort. His movement towards the door kicked her own feet into motion, though they didn’t seem to want to cooperate with her at the moment. Her trip from the control panel to the ramp was a difficult one but it got better as she regained her barriers and hurried down the ramp and out the door to find… “Southwark. 1599.” She repeated looking around with brightness in her hazel eyes. Her head whirled to look back at him, blonde hair flying as her eyes settled back on the Doctor, that same intense brightness when she heard Shakespeare. “Shakespeare? I love Shakespeare. It’s a wonderful thought.” She said in a cheesy manor with a matching grin, showing her excitement without going completely bonkers like she could. She had to keep her composure right? At least for the most part. Dogs barked horses clip clopped around, dung smell filled the air and people chatting and laughing under the starlight. It seemed unreal yet here she was, little Olivia Watson, the college student from the pour broke (and broken) family walking around in 1599 to see a Shakespeare play in action with a time traveling alien. Oh this was one for the record books, or her diary; the diary would be most likely to believe her. “I’d love to linger about. I don’t want to miss a second of this…” Her voice trailed off as he suddenly pulled her out of the way of an emptying chamber pot. “Okay, I stand corrected, I’m glad I missed that.” Another cheeky grin moved across her face as she looked up at him as the two followed the wall as close as they could to avoid any other falling… debris. It didn’t take long for the two arm and arm to arrive at the Globe Theatre. Olivia’s eyes went wide as she saw it in all of its glory in front of her. “It’s a polygon!” She said excitedly before she felt the need to explain. “There was a large debate in my class about what the actual foundation was. A sketch by Wenceslas Hollar showed the design as a circle. But the sketch was done at a distance and with the sides it could be confused for a solid circle to an untrained eye. The college found some intact foundation that hinted that it would be a larger polygon. The only logical side with the building being about roughly… oh…” Her eyes closed tightly as she wracked her brain, “Probably about 30 meters in length because the higher you sit in the theatre the more important you are. So the higher and ironically, further away you where you showed a higher status in society.” It was hard for her to explain why she felt the need to babble facts. Maybe it was because he was so intelligent and she wanted to see if her facts were right or maybe, just maybe, it was a sad attempt to impress him. Then again, he’s probably been to this area more than her so he could correct her on what information she had wrong; that’s what learning is about right? Replacing the wrong information with the right information; simple as that.