Donny was on the run. No good deed goes unpunished here, though this stemmed for from a big misunderstanding. [b]"How was I suppose to know she was a damn vampire..."[/b] it all started when Donny was, as usual, looking for a job in the city. And as usually, he was either turned away at the door or given a number that he knew they would never call on. As he mindlessly wondered through an alley, he saw a lone woman resounded by a gang of armed and armored men. Fairy Tale logic would have told onlookers that this women was being assaulted by a gang of bullies, and believing that, Donny intervened and allowed the woman enough time to flee... As a swarm of bats. Turns out she was a vampire who had been feeding off the children of the armored men, and allowing her to escape means that she could continue her reign of terror longer. The men were going to turn Donny in for his foolishness and tried to escape, cutting to now. He was running from three of the men, the other two who have seemed to disappear, either to continue their hunt for the vampire or to trap Donny. And despite the men wearing fully plate armor, they were quite able to keep on Donny's trail, his only advantage beings his mobility. He tried to do such things as climb fences, scale walls, and take large jumps, but his pursuers had mundane means of keeping up (breaking through the fences, going around walls, and using objects to make bridges). If he couldn't figure out some way to lose them definitely, he knew that he'd have a fight on his hands, one that he wasn't in any particular advantage of.