Rose makes yet another new character she doesn't need. Shh. ( I CLAIM NONE OF THESE IMAGES AS MY OWN. I just... use them for funsizes.) [hider=Bunny Form] [img= ] [img= ] [img= ] [/hider] [hider=Human Form] [img= ] [img= ] [/hider] [hider= Awakened Spirit Form] [img=][/hider][center] Luna 500 years old. (She's old. But acts like a teenager.) Female ~Powers~ [u][b]One With The Moon[/b][/u] - Luna doesn't understand right now but she has a strange connection with the moon. It's as if she can hear it. Most people just think she's crazy so she tends to keep it to herself. But the voices are so nice. She feels a lot stronger when the moon is out but there's just one problem. She always wakes up in the middle of the night and she's a rabbit. She doesn't know why or how she even manages to change back but when the sun rises again, she changes back. [u][b]Water Affinity[/u][/b] - Luna has an affinity with water and ice. She can move and form water and ice into weapons, walls, shields, ecetera. She even uses ice as a form of silverware when she's too lazy to get up and get a spoon for her cereal in the morning. ~Weaknesses~ [u][b]Untapped Power[/u][/b] - Luna's powers are untapped meaning that sometimes she can't control them. When her emotions get the best of her, she can end up freezing the surrounding area without meaning to. She often can hurt her friends in this manner and therefore tries to keep a tight reign on her emotions. [u][b]Ugly Duckling[/b][/u] - Luna is an orphan from birth, or so she believes. According to what she's been told, she was found as a baby on the doorstep of the Wright Family Orphanage. She doesn't believe she fits in anywhere as she was never adopted. People thought of her as too weird or too much trouble. She found comfort in Maria Cross however and has decided to come to her school. [u][b]Kind[/u][/b] - Luna is overly kind. She won't really go out of her way to help someone but if she is given the chance, she will. She loves explaining how to do things to people and she loves kids. [u][b]Curious[/u][/b] - Luna is a pretty curious being. She likes to stick her nose in places it doesn't belong. This can lead to her getting in a lot of trouble but she can't seem to stop herself. ~History~ She grew up in an orphanage run by the family of Maria Cross' husband, Alfred. She grew up very close to the woman as she was one of the only women around. All of the other kids were boys and picked on her but Ms. Maria defended her. They'd go out and go dress shopping and look at cute boys. She'd laugh and they'd have a good time. Maria was more of a best friend in Luna's eyes than anything. ~Personality~ Think bunny. She actually likes carrots too. She also has a very short attention span. She can't sit still for too long, she has to be moving. ~Theme Song~ [youtube][/youtube] (I'll figure that out when I can get not limited wifi. Lol.) [/center]