[indent][b]Characters(N-Z)[/b]:[/indent] [b]Username:[/b] ProxyPawaa [b]Name:[/b] Shae Liberman [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Schedule:[/b] No set schedule. Sleeps whenever she feels tired, stays up later whenever she's interested in something. Days and nights swap often for her. [b]Education Level:[/b] High School and whatever she's learned from hours on wikipedia and tvtropes or other such websites. Currently taking online classes for programming and web design from an online college associated with Nashua's college system. [b]Life Goal:[/b] Manage to establish a harem. Become a successful hacker or programmer. Eventually lose her virginity. [b]Current Goal:[/b] Live without her parents bothering her and find a better source of income. [b]Appearance:[/b] Shae is a master at taking pictures at very good angles and photoshopping them to make them look better, but when she isn't doing that she's most often looking very tired and very unhealthy. She an unhealthy belly that she mostly hides under baggier shirts and continually has bags under her eyes. Her hair is almost always a mess, and she can become very lazy with showering and shaving when she doesn't feel like it. Overall, most of the time Shae looks like an absolute wreck. On rare occasions though, and in every picture of herself she lets see the light of day ever, she has a much prettier more presentable side. Shae enjoys putting her long blonde hair into pigtails that reach nearly to the bottom of her ribs, and when her eyes aren't puffy from lack of sleep, her blue eyes are very vibrant and colorful. She has a number of outfits she wears only for pictures that she wouldn't ever dream to wear in public with her stomach the shape it is in, many involving anime cosplays or just cute or sexy outfits she likes to collect. Mostly though you'll see her in sweatpants or shorts and a baggy t-shirt. On rare occasions, a camisole during the summer as well. When alone in her room she wears just a T-shirt most of the time. [b]Personality:[/b] Shae has unrealistic expectations of the world skewed by her intense interest in anime and her hate for the real world. She is in many ways the female equivalent of the most extreme male shut ins, comparing real life to anime and dating sims and thinking with an almost continually perverted mind. Shae can be very judging of other people and often projects her own insecurities onto others. She has an intense need to feel loved, needed, and to know that someone is attracted to her. Despite this, her insecurities also push those same people who would try to give her this attention away as harshly as possible in most cases. She feels she can express herself more clearly over the internet than in person, struggles at times to say things aloud, and gets incredibly nervous and anxious in tense social situations. Her mind wanders to sex very often, and often thinks dirty things about the people around her. Despite this, if presented with a chance or reality that one of these fantasies is or may come true, she is more likely to run away and hide in her room than anything else. [b]Reason for moving into the dorm:[/b] Shae had a very rough life back at home with parents that didn't understand her or attempt to do so. As soon as she was eighteen she used the money she had saved up to find a new place to live. [b]Romantic/Sexual Experience:[/b] Kissed a boy back when she was eleven, and maybe accidentally brushed against someones junk once or twice since then. Yes, she counts that, and remembers that. [b]History:[/b] Shae has been nervous in social situations as long as she can remember. At first it was just boys her age, but then girls started to bully her too until Shae had a very hard time trusting anyone around her. The bullying she experienced was average, and her reactions were always so severe that it encouraged the teasing to get continually worse. Even her close group of friends would avoid her when bullies came by, and she got used to such treatment. It was her parents constant talks about how this bullying would get better that pushed her apart from them initially in fact. She began avoiding family dinners and eating in her room, and eventually never leaving her room at all. She would play sick every day to try and get out of school and found forums online where she could complain about her bullying and get a sympathetic ear. There were rude people online too, but they were easier to ignore and she found that online she could piss them off very easily. By the time she was thirteen, the internet was already Shae's entire world. She had people who called themselves her friends at school, but none she herself considered a friend. She held grudges for a ridiculously large time and pushed away even those who now wanted to get closer to her. She even got in trouble once or twice for exacting petty revenge on an old bully or two. Around that time she also found herself in more adult places on the internet. At the age of fourteen she was almost kidnapped meeting someone who said he was around her age online, which terrified both her and her parents. She was only safe because a teacher happened to recognize her and take her to safety. Her parents took away the internet from her and immediately sent her to therapy, which was the final straw before their relationship broke. Shae hated therapy with a passion, and began to hate her parents with a passion as well. She managed to get by the block on the internet and wasn't dumb enough to attempt a real life meeting again after that incident. Her parents tried to intervene constantly in as many different ways that they could think of, but Shae defied them and ignored them. At fifteen, Shae discovered online website modeling and began making money through that online. Much of her work was incredibly shady, and some probably illegal. She never gave out photos that were fully indecent though, and mostly did shots dressing up like a character from an anime or a schoolgirl of some variety. It was when they banned soda in the house and she bought some more with her own money that her father finally, truly, gave up on her. With her little business of taking pictures of herself and selling them online to some websites reputable, and others not, and another talent she discovered of drawing pictures by commission for people on deviantart, she amassed a pretty large savings by the time she managed to graduate high school. When she left her home, it felt almost unrecognizable to her. It wasn't a place that was home, it was a prison where two people constantly nagged her and compared her to her brother and talked about how badly she was messing everything up. She left that place with all of her things sent ahead and didn't even bother to say goodbye. [b]Notes:[/b] Just gotta say, the concept of her making money through web modeling sounded like it could be plausibly way more innocent when I conceptualized it. Lets just pretend there are a few more avenues available for cute girls to take innocent pictures and make money for them online in this universe, so that Shae doesn't have to go all full child porn star on us please. :) EDIT: Sorry for the laziness here, but I forgot something from my original concept. Its a small add on, but Shae like many typical shut ins is addicted to an MMO or two. She actually has selling high level accounts, items, and actual in game currency as another side job too. --- [b]Username:[/b] ProxyPawaa [b]Name:[/b] Tai Summers [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Schedule:[/b] Stays up until dawn, sleeps until at least 2 pm. Only takes night classes or online classes to accommodate this, mostly night since he's bad with computers. [b]Education Level:[/b] High School Graduate, somehow. Attending College in Nashua. [b]Life Goal:[/b] Not end up a tool? [b]Current Goal:[/b] Successfully manage to avoid getting an STD while simultaneously probably having a lot of sex and partying a lot and on top of this maybe probably graduate college. [b]Appearance:[/b] Tai has short brown hair, brown eyes, and an expressive face fit for acting. His body is lean from being a generally active guy with a fast metabolism. His body is lean, but doesn't feature any specifically prominent musculature, any he has he can only thank dancing and sex for, since he hasn't worked out a day in his life. He stands around 5'9 and has decently long arms suited for playing basketball. His signature style involves wearing some sort of headband, and some form of tie dye on some part of his clothing at all times. He also has a fondness for wearing glow in the dark anything at all. [b]Personality:[/b] Tai is a man who has lost himself in the world of the young, partying with most of his time and throwing his future aside. He is incredibly irresponsible, putting off deadlines of all varieties to the last minute and forgetting obligations he may have had. That said, the one exception is when he is trying to woo a girl or is serious about dating her. Tai is in that one single circumstance amazing at remembering dates, times, and important details for the sake of a relationship. It is also worth noting that Tai will be a very different person depending what time you catch him at during the day, and where as well. Any time before six and he's liable to be mistaken for a zombie. Tai is a slow waker and very lazy about waking up at any time, god forbid its anytime people consider morning. As he wakes up though, he becomes very spunky, witty, and sharp thinking. Some may consider him quiet as he roams the house during the daylight, but the moment he finds himself at a party or some social situation Tai becomes an animal, doing the dares no one else dares do, hitting on the untouchable girls other guys are afraid to approach. He also prefers to stay sober, so that he remembers the events perfectly the next day. [b]Reason for moving into the dorm:[/b] Tai needed a place closer to downtown than the college, but one that had reliable transportation to either place. Gretchen's boarding home just happened to fit those requirements and be within his budget. [b]Romantic/Sexual Experience:[/b] Tai is not a virgin, but despite his partying experience he hasn't gone fully off the deep end with his sexual life. While Tai can come off as an asshole and a player when flirting, he never has sex with someone unless he takes it seriously, even for a fling. If he doesn't feel a spark, he stops at foreplay. [b]History:[/b] Tai was not born into the world as the irresponsible party animal he is today, he was at one point a young man with AP classes in middle school and a lot of parental expectations lying on his shoulders. One day he cracked and started sneaking things his parents disallowed behind their back, weed, alcohol, parties, and over time he grew addicted to this escape from his everyday stresses and demands. His grades dropped, his parents freaked out, and he even ended up in therapy for a few months. By high school he had dropped out of AP placement, and by the time he eventually graduated he was barely meeting graduation standards and every parental and authority figure in his life was incredibly disappointed in him. The only good thing that happened for him in his high school days was he got tired of drugs. While he still smoked weed on rare occasions, he no longer abused drugs as the escape he had used them as before. His parents eventually got tired of grounding him, since he was perfectly willing to lose anything they were giving him and could just sneak out anyways. When he graduated high school and talked about just joining the work force, his parents intervened. Wanting him to get his act together and get a college degree, they offered to pay for him to go to a college if he found one that accepted him provided he kept his grades up to a certain level. Tai took the chance to avoid working for a few more years of his life happily, and it was this choice that led him to the dorm in Nashua. His parents thought he not be able to find parties like before in his new town where he knew no one, but he had no doubt he'd find a club or group of friends that would suit him before too long. [b]Notes:[/b] All it took was one injection of marijuana.... and his life was ruined.(loljk) --- [b]Username:[/b] Beebee2121 [b]Name:[/b] Wesley Thayer [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Schedule:[/b] He wakes up around 9 or 10 during weekdays and mills about for the whole day (until he gets a job). Weekends, he might stay out later and sleep in a little longer. [b]Education Level:[/b] Bachelor’s in Linguistics. He has extensive knowledge of the French government from working there and a vested interest in visual art, particularly paintings during the Impressionist period. He has almost encyclopedic knowledge on this. [b]Life Goal:[/b] Own an art gallery. Get married. Maybe have some kids. [b]Current Goal:[/b] Lay low. [b]Appearance:[/b] Wes is a few inches shy of six feet tall and lean. He has a rather odd sense of style, usually involving some busy patterns, and doesn’t typically wear the same thing twice over a significant period of time, if he can help it. There’s always a lock of his hair that falls into his sea-green eyes. His smile is really more of a smirk. The kind of smirk that says he’s up to something bad. He’s a little pale and fit because of his excellent metabolism and refined diet. [b]Personality:[/b] Wesley enjoys being the object of mystery. He never gives a straight answer about himself or his past, if asked, and embellishes liberally on every story he tells. Lies come easily to him, but lately he’s been trying to make a conscious effort to be a little honest sometimes. Not of his past, obviously, but of himself which is difficult because he’s not quite certain who he is right now. He truly loves pranks and surprises, but he’s hesitant to pull any himself (that whole “laying low” thing). Unfortunately, he bores easily and takes his boredom out on others by bothering them with his presence. He gets restless if he stays indoors for too long or goes too long without talking to someone. He’s careless, mannerless and a terrible flirt. [b]Reason for moving into the dorm:[/b] He was taking a road trip to Florida and decided to stop for a little bit at a hotel. A day of rest turned into a week and he decided to plant his roots using the dorm as a kind of halfway house until he could find something better. [b]Romantic/Sexual Experience:[/b] He lost his virginity when he was seventeen after drinking a little too much at a party. He’s since enjoyed the company of plenty of women and experimented once with another man. After a lot of kissing, he decided it wasn’t for him. Romantically, there was a girl in college who liked him quite a bit and he made it his responsibility to treat her nicely, but aside from a few dates, it didn’t amount to much. And then there was a very beautiful woman he met in Costa Rica the month he visited. He found her very charming, but he had to leave before he could get her name. [b]History:[/b] Wes was born and raised to a precocious upper-class family in France. His father work for the government, mostly investigating international crime and possible threats against the country. He was the only child and thus the sole focus of his mother’s energies to build a better, more glamorous life than she had. He studied piano and sang in church, then found he could pick up other languages and accents easily. All of these things combined with his sense of humor made him charming and entertaining to pretty much everyone he met. He even dabbled in theater for a little bit until it got boring for him when he was eleven or so. Things started to go sour for him about the time of secondary school for him. He went to a private, all-boys school full of bored and wealthy teenagers being railroaded to a passionless career, much like himself. He made a few friends, went to a couple of parties and did his fair share of drinking, but otherwise survived school with flying colors. College was more of the same and then his father got him a job as a linguist in his department. The job was good for him and, again, thanks to his father, he climbed the ranks swiftly and traveled around the world often. Still, he couldn’t shake the feeling of being trapped with his father breathing down his neck. What started out as a few misdemeanors for fraternizing with arrested criminals quickly and quietly escalated into Wes being the eyes on the inside for a series of art thefts in France. His partner, surprisingly enough, was a childhood friend and they worked together for a whole year before things started to get worse for Wes. He took his chance on a trip to America and vanished completely using his own knowledge of the system and his partner’s resources. They sold all the art they stole, split the money, shook hands and parted ways. Wesley Thayer isn’t his real identity. Wesley Thayer is a nobody that came from nowhere, but is friendly enough to ignore. He has a job interview for a spot in sales at the local art gallery. [b]Notes:[/b] He’s been in town for about a month; the dorm a few weeks longer than that. He says he’s from Rochester, New York and speaks with a generic, implacable American accent. The French-American authorities are still looking for him, but the trail went cold somewhere around California.