[center]Name: [u]Million C. Bonefinger[/u] (Sometimes referred to as simply "Spirit") [b]"...Yes, I can help with that..."[/b] Age: 23 Gender: Male Race: "Selian" A scarce race who appear mostly human, live around the same time on average, and have often been mistaken for ghosts in the past. They used to live farther north in the high and cold mountains, but a few have managed to find themselves dwelling near Kado. Appearance: "Spirit" Is a tall man standing at 7'6. He is thin and his limbs are long, making him look even taller still. He has a slightly tanned tone brought about days in the sun and long wavy locks of dark brown. His shoulders are broad and his hands are grand, making him seem large. His chin is dotted with black hair, framing his thick lips and underlining his straight flat nose, spreading over he cheeks to boot. His eyes are deep green, catching darkness more than light. He carries an air of stoicism about him and his eyes usually show deep thought to build upon that aura. His ears are a bit large looking and often stick out a bit even from under his long hair. He wears a green tunic with brown lining and matching brown trousers. Several belts of leather drape him, one around his waist, one from right shoulder to left hip and one coiled a few times over his right arm. He has thick work gloves faded of use and sometimes brings a black cowl to cover it all. The belts around his torso have a multitude of pockets on their shown side and the cloak is of a thick material. The only part of his appearance that gives away his non human heritage is his right arm. It looks charred black, and is rough and jagged. He walks with a sort of slow and looming gate, though he only chooses to do this as it is easy and calm, he can move quite quick if needed. Occupation: Million owns a small plot of land used for gardening medicinal herbs, and is often asked to teach young gatherers of what and what not is safe game. Skills: An astute gardener, handles children well, good gatherer. Surprisingly capable fighter, knows decent survival skills. Wonderful medic. Powers: "Spirit", like most of his race, has the ability to enter an odd state. Becoming a figure of smokey blue they are able to ride the wind and travel around objects and through small spaces, becoming solid when they start running low on magical energy. This ability is the reason they have been mistaken for ghosts, and how "Spirit' came to be called, "Spirit." While in this state they are still hurt-able, they are still physical beings, just now made of up of small particles. Inventory: Many dried herbs held in his belt pockets. Farming scythe (held to back using belt). Brown leather bag. Empty book. Quill and bottled ink (He has been running low for a long time now, proper ink is hard to come by) History: Million's parents found Kado village when they were in their later years. They had retreated from their old home of the cold north in hopes of finding safe respite. They stumbled upon the village when they allied themselves with a drove of elves. Hunting in the forest lead them to the haven and they settled as the others did as well. Unlike humans their race is able to reproduce at any age, and finally having what they thought was a safe place, they gave birth to their second child. They passed away not long after, the mother of sickness, and soon after the father of hunger (he had grown senile in his old age, and was lost when he stumbled away from the village). This left the boy alone, as his would be sister had died back in their homeland. Being taken in soon by a distant family of elves (ones who had traveled with his parents). He began learning of his current professions, and studied with their like aged children. He lived with them until he was nearly 16, he then took to his own home in the village, and since then has continued his studies of nature. Becoming the town herbalist when the previous one had passed away of age. Point of Interest: [u]Glowbleak cave:[/u] A low and black cave of stone and moss, forming a gaping maw with trees jutting from it's top, and roots jutting from its ceiling. It has a series of slants, some steep and some shallow. If traversed deep enough it leads to a wealth of luminescent fungi and grasses, as well as pools of spring water. It has quite a few rare specimen in it and is often considered dangerous as many have been known to be poisonous. It's entrance is located southwest of the town nearly half an hour walk away. It is damp and it's walls are often jagged. A somewhat restricted area few ever bother to deal with. It is marked with six tall and mossy stone near it's entrance, creating sorts of columns that shape a path to it. It has an odd sickly sweet smell and it's opening is likened to a terrible set of earthy jaws. There are few low hanging passages in it that thus far lead to nowhere of interest. It is not known just how deep it actually is, or how far it's tunnels actually reach. [/center]