Hershel looked up at the tall house while walking over the bridge, "It sure is big." he said smiling at the giant building, then frowned because he never had something like this, just a cold white room. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cyndi strolled through the forest of Fey, looking at the beautiful flowers in the forest. All because of her distant relative, Silap Inua. She picked one and smelled it, a beautiful scent. She heard deep growling. "Agares you sneaky bastard come out and face me." the growling creature snickered and then a hole was created from the ground, he emerged and then the hole closed up. The ground rumbled and Cyndi stared up at him, "Well, it seems you've grown up." Cyndi cracked her neck and grinned wickedly. The large creature screamed an unearthly scream. Cyndi's hair turned a dark shade of blue and she slammed the ground, ice in a circle around her appeared and damaged the monster, it was clear it was in pain. Cyndi shot shards of ice at him and it screeched. Cyndi's hair turned grey with blonde streaks and she made a storm appear, the storm dealt massive damage to the creature and it dissapeared, turning into a pile of ash. Her hair turned back to the natural light blue color and she collected the ash. She melted it with her power over the sun and then collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily, she used to much power in one time. "I need to conserve my strength." she noted and then stood up, shaking. (( The demon, standing at 7 feet tall. http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/32200000/Demon-ghosts-and-related-paranormal-stuff-32272501-800-500.jpg ))