Hope she is up to snuff...her history may be considered lacking but there isn't much meant to be there. [center][u]Name: Hace (Hah-Chey) P. Dolcie (Doll-Chee-ay)[/u] [b]"Oh, so sorry..."[/b] Age: 15 Gender: Female. Race: Half fairy, half elf. Appearance: Hace is a petite creature, her figure is slender and she is short in stature, coming to 5'2 on her tip-toes. She is pale skinned and often burns due to the sun, She has a round face with large pinkish eyes, topped by long lashes. A small round nose and dimples give character to her features. Her face is framed by her spilled silver hair, a white and rounded bob of straight threads. She has the long pointed ears of an elf, with small rounded outcroppings beside their lobes to match her fairy side. Her legs make up for a good potion of her height and her torso would be considered "small", she is physically weak and seems to radiate "fragile". Her chest is lacking and she couldn't be describes as "curvy". She is usually dressed in warm and thick linen of soft colours. Her favorite brown boots are almost always on her feet and a worn red shoal is usually resting on her shoulders. It is somewhat tattered and obviously kept for sentiment more than function. She treads with some sense of nervousness, always being cautious of not stepping any boundaries she not. She has small and thin wings from her mother, insect like things that are thin and reflect rainbows when catching light. A noticable membrane spreading about it like roots and making neat rounded patterns. They are often flat against her back. Occupation: Hace is finishing her schooling and is preparing to take up either hunting or deciphering the old books. She is only considering hunting as it was what her father does. She has always found the study of the towns past a noble and worthy cause. Skills: Hace is an excellent reader, when she is comfortable enough and gathered enough courage, she tells a wonderful story. She is decent at mathematics and magic. Her knowledge of the town morals is commendable. Powers: Hace uses her heritage to advantage, and harnesses the flimsy bug like wings she has for limited flight. She must magically fortify her wings, as she is not a full fairy and thus they are quite small and weak. Other than this she can cast quite a few basic spells, such as "glow", though it is nothing substantial. Inventory: A large book bag, a glass bottle (used for collecting interesting things) and a silver coin. It was passed down to her from her ancestors. History: Hace and her father are a relatively new addition to the town, coming nearly a decade ago. They had traveled from the east after their town had fallen apart due to internal conflict. They found a house and her father easily fit into town as a new hunter. Hace has spent most of her life in the town and considers it home. Her mother had passed away giving birth to her, her father is the elven side of her heritage. Little is said about what caused their original town to break apart, but a low food supply and poorly kept patrol seems to be to blame. Her father was unrelated to the problem. Point of Interest: [u]Deathfield:[/u] An oddly named field of flowers not far behind the school. It is surrounded by foliage and isn't all too easily accessible. It holds flowers known as "death bells" that only bud at night. They collect sun in the day, and bloom once darkness falls, letting of light particles and showing a fantastic glow. The field is often empty and mostly children venture to it. It is a somewhat uncomfortable place due to it's unkempt grasses. It has a small divot in it that has been cause of a few scraped knees. Teachers often warn to be careful when treading the field and it has been argued in the past whether children should be allowed there at all. [/center]