Remi hummed yo herself quietly. She noted the others returning, but didn't bother to really acknowledge them. She was too deep in her mental thoughts on the best way to maximize her hornet's genealogy. Her expression didn't change when her empress approached her. Nor did it change when she was ordered to walk side by side with her. Remi followed obediently as she listened to her Empress' questions. She frowned a little bit and tried to explain. "I...change Hornets. Bring back natural suzumebachi, but my strain." she smiles a bit. "One already done. Hornet with stinger like a scorpion. The venom is potent and can cause necrosis. File is on your desk." she gave a tiny little smile. "But girl...girl is for hug. To feed, and read to me. She can be in the gardens, or in the kitchens, or just sleep in my bed. I...dont sleep much. I don't want my bed to be lonely. You call Yakoul pet. I want pet." she shrugged, it was the best explanation she could come up with. Her eyes lit up when she felt the hornet on her ear, "Oh! Problem in Konoha." she let the hornet crawl onto her finger and looked at Shoko's face but not her eyes. "Konoha no bachi. Nest is made within urban areas, see coloring?" she points to the red orange and yellow stripes. "This mating drone. He never leaves the hive. If he leaves, he can't mate queen. See this?" she lifts it and points to a spot on the abdomen. There is a very minor discoloration, "This means it is mating season. Drone was forced from his hive, then separated from the rest. Pheromones mean Escape" she frowns again. "Konoha no bachi are not found in trees. They adapted to survive on Synthetic materials like cloth and in darkness." she pursed her lips and blew, but no sound came. A few seconds later, three larger hornets landed on her finger and she stared at them. All four flew off together. "He mate with South Colony Queen. One of the brood will carry Konoha no Bachi's ability to track via fabric. North colony has a few hundred young workers and drones with two sets of mandibles. I separate them after you give your speech." she hummed. "Then mate those with the Scorpion Hornet specimens and a chakra specimen. A family of hornets carry their own chakra! An amazing find, and in the rock gardens. In a few weeks, that crop will be the first Shokobachi: A race of Hornets bred and cultivated for battle. Since they have chakra, I can make a contract with them. Well...theoretically."