[quote=Jangel13] Angelo quickly followed Wes to find gentsia wondering where the old hermit went until they found the old mans hut or mansion whatever it was it was freaking huge! "okay how is that hermit lifestyle if its a mansion?!" Angelo exclaimed surprised at the sudden appearance of the place but as the hermit started to explain it started to make more sense how he would build such a place and he looked at Wes confused on what he went inside to see until he saw the baby Vulcans Angelo smiled at them almost looking cute as babies glad their could be a peaceful resolution since the old man could make them a little home to stay in at least until he heard that their was really 20 Vulcans that would show up to get their babies back "oh just great. theirs also the tiniest bit of a chance we might end up with peace if he builds a house while we had already beaten down 3 of their friends" Angelo groaned softly thinking that it might be vain effort considering the circumstances but Angelo nodded to Wes that regardless they had to defend the place "my lightning bolts are better put to use in high places" Angelo said as he started climbing the side of the hermits hut mansion and stood at the top in a fighting position so he could use his lightning bolts to keep the Vulcans back at least for a little while until the old man was done making the home for the babies [/quote] "While you're up there Angelo, I'm going to need you to keep watch and tell me when they're coming since you have a better vantage point than me down here." Wes called as he saw Angelo climb up the hut. "It'll probably take awhile since you did fry two of them and the one I don't know about the one I handled from before. You didn't shock them too hard, right? Which also reminds me, how long have you been using magic? Got curious when I saw you took out those two vulcans earlier."