[b]Name:[/b] Joesph Iverson, Quiet Joe [b]Age:[/b] 41 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/068/d/6/ham_and_nahalath_by_tazi_san-d4s9w3f.jpg] [b]Occupation:[/b] Miner and Smith [b]Powers:[/b] Scrying and Tracking [b]Skills:[/b] [*]Wielding a Bec de Corbin[/*] [*]Armor and weapon maintenance[/*] [*]Finding hidden or lost items[/*] [b]Inventory:[/b] [*]Bec de Corbin[/*] [*]Pearl encrusted locket[/*] [*]Dowsing pendulum[/*] [*]Bull Horn[/*] [b]History:[/b] The citizens of Kado had no idea what to make of Joe when he and his wife, Liliana, first arrived. One day he walked through the town and out the other side without a single word. A few days later they found him again, digging a hole. Though they asked him questions, neither him nor his wife spoke a word, so everyone just let them be. Finally he spoke a week later when he came to town hauling some ore he dug up, looking to trade it for some food. Everyone asked him how he found it, and all he said was "I dug." After a while he built a forge and made some tools to make the digging easier. Some of Kado's residents took to digging with Joe, eager to unearth whatever they could to provide for the village. Soon his little hole developed into the Full Moon Quarry. It wasn't long before he spent less time digging and more time repairing the few tools used to dig, as all they could find were small veins here and there. This is what the villagers came to him for now, along with his keen tracking abilities. Considered by many to be a Guardian, Joesph is indifferent to the title, and took no vow. But like a Guardian he inserts himself into any conflict he sees, silently seeking an end to the dispute. As he rarely enters the town, most of the time he quells any trouble at the Quarry. But on occasion he has come to town solely for the purpose of helping the other Guardians out. Liliana shares her husbands joy in silence, but the similarities end there as he is much more social, if you can call it that. Often she makes trips to the village to help out and shop for both her and him. She doesn’t have a steady job, instead she keeps their humble home clean and cooks meals for the two of them. However she is a gifted basket maker, and from time to time she gets asked to make one. She is also famous for being the only one capable of getting Joesph to crack a smile. [b]Point of Interest:[/b] [u]Full Moon Quarry[/u] The Quarry started out as a few holes that Joesph dug himself. Over the years with the help of the village it became a full blown quarry. Though it is not rich in anything particular, it contained more then anyone had found before hand. If nothing else a few artifacts have been found in the quarry, and are being kept at the Library for study. The quarry's name came from an annual event that some of the villagers started up. Once a month a group of them would gather under the full moon and hold a fight club of sorts, testing their skill in the quarry like it was some kind of arena. Next to the Quarry is Joesph and Liliana's home, a few simple tied together canopies and their forge. Joesph doesn't let anyone touch the forge beside himself and his wife when she needs to use it as a fire pit. Everyone has offered time and time again to help them build a proper home, but the two of them quietly refuse every time.