[quote=Expolar] "While you're up there Angelo, I'm going to need you to keep watch and tell me when they're coming since you have a better vantage point than me down here." Wes called as he saw Angelo climb up the hut. "It'll probably take awhile since you did fry two of them and the one I don't know about the one I handled from before. You didn't shock them too hard, right? Which also reminds me, how long have you been using magic? Got curious when I saw you took out those two vulcans earlier." [/quote] well the one I got on the ground will be alright it will only be knocked out for a few hours the other one that was in the air im not sure about since it was high up when it started to fall, I shot to stun not kill." Angelo told him as he kept an eye out for Vulcans then he started to contemplate his other question about how long he has been using magic for "would you believe me if I only said 2 years of practice? it wasn't very hard since my magic is mainly throwing lightning bolts at certain speeds. it was learning to make electrical armor for myself during emergencies that was the most difficult to learn. believe me if I had known I had magical talent when I was younger I would have joined phoenix wing a lot sooner" Angelo said grinning a little