This will be a simple question that will decide will I join or not (Actually, I will join anyway)... Cun I haz [url=]Sonar Goggles[/url] pliz? [youtube]YuhfD48VRGE[/youtube] Skip to 1:50 On the other hand I noticed something... [quote=Rare] November 27th (Day Four): The power shut down in America, shelves at stores became empty, water pipes ran dry, and riots became more violate. [/quote] Ironicaly, Executive Directive 51 (more on the Continuity of Operations initiative side) exists to prevent Day Four from happening. Directive 51 and COOP requires to ensure that agencies are able to continue performance of essential functions under a broad range of circumstances (In this case: Virus). If they fail to work, Directive 51 shall fail in a chaos theory and The Division and it's agents will fall apart. Think of Directive 51 as a House of Cards, one is removed and the whole thing falls apart...