Sasha nodded, watching the Ninja guild member, weary. She always tried to avoid killing if she could, but she understood there were some times when you couldn't, and she felt sick to her stomach thinking that this might be one of those times. If she had a more members with her, it would be easier to round them all up, and keep them prisoner instead of killing them, but with just the two of them...Sasha sighed, before once more moving her hands "ice make: butterfly cage!" A collection of ice butterflies, largely shaped, formed and fluttered around the ninja, trapping him, and Sasha stood there a minute, letting her eyes close, taking in a few deep breaths. She could still keep on going, and she opened her eyes again, "there's more around, I'm sure of that. Waiting for a good time to attack. Keep your magic at the ready, okay?" She looked about "he should stay there in the cage, unless someone lets him out. I just...don't want to kill. We can come back with some other Phoenix members, and round this black guild all up" She moved around the butterfly cage, this time her bear shield followed her, snuffling, as she walked Sasha kept her senses open, and was weary of their surroundings. She looked over to Mayt and gave a smile "shall we continue?"