[center]Kithra[/center] It had to be the smell, or maybe it was the sights? Though she wasn't quite sure, all she knew that her stomach was twisting into knots. Maybe it had to do with the fact that this was the first year that Kithra was going on the train without her parents being there to say goodbye. Sure she was a big girl now, but it was nice having someone to wave and give air kisses to as the train left the station. She wouldn't get that this year, as both her parents had to work and had said goodbye to her this morning just before she left in a cab. Looking about she saw first years saying goodbye to their parents who were giving them last minute advise and telling them how proud they were of them. The sight brought back memories of when her parents first brought her to the train station to go to Hogwarts. They were so full of pride that she was afraid that they might burst, but they were just happy that she had magical talent and was going to one of the best magic schools in the world. She claimed up the steps onto the train and made her way down the narrow passage with bags at slightly awkward angles so she wouldn't get in the way too much. Though that was easier said than done, she just hoped that she could find an empty cabin or one with at least one other passenger. Much to her surprise and luck she found one that was completely empty, with a small sigh she entered the cabin and quickly placed her bags above her seat. Taking a seat Kithra looked out the window feeling her stomach knot up again, she had no idea why. Maybe it really had to do with the fact that she missed having her parents say goodbye as she continued to watch loving parents bidding farewell to their children. But her stomach knotted a little harder telling her that she was either get a stomach bug or something was terribly amiss. She really hoped that it was the former, because she hated the events of the latter. She hated confrontation and only wanted everyone to love one another, such a hippie statement and one that she was constantly being picked on for. That and her parents weren't 'purebloods', she was labelled as a freak by those that had narrow views and didn't like seeing the larger picture of things. Those people where mostly of the Slytherin house, but she paid them no heed. If fact she barely paid attention to anyone unless they needed her help or were of her own house. She was quite proud of being a Hufflepuff though most thought of them as slow or lowly, but that was just a miss understanding. Sure her house didn't pour out great and powerful witches and wizards but they were loyal and true and vary few ever dabbled in the dark arts. Other wards they were a steady house. Kithra was pulled out of her deep thinking when her cat, Camala, jumped up onto her lap. She smiled down at the mostly white and orange cat, and petted her soft short fur. Camala was a small, thin cat that most people would assume was still a kitten. It made Kithra wonder how her cat got places, but she was thankful for the little feline as the little cat had more heart than anyone she ever known. Camala once stood up against three large dogs that had run after Kithra and cornered her. She had left her wand at home not expecting to use magic on her short evening walk, so when she was being chased by three large dogs she cursed herself for not bring the thing. But her little feline saved her, Camala didn't fight the dogs just stood there and puffed up like any angry or annoyed cat would but that seemed to be enough to scare the dogs away. To this day Kithra still wonders how and why that happened. There was a slight jolt forward as the train began to pull away from the station. [i]Looks like another year has started.[/i] She thought feeling both excited and nervous. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [center]Thane[/center] Thane had looked for some time for his friend Tom but couldn't seem to find him anywhere, either he was late or was coming already on the train. Though he suspected that he was late, which seemed sorta' like Tom. But it still rubbed him the wrong way, as they had agreed to meet up a week or so ago. They had alot to talk about and it would of been nice to get a cabin before they filled up. Tom had said that he had plans, plans he wished to go over with him. Though Thane knew that Tom usually already had his mind made up before he ever talked to anyone, basically he was seeking praise for his ideas. Which for the most case Thane gave him, as his ideas where pretty sound though recently his ideas and ways of thinking had really begun to shift which was causing him to lift an eyebrow. He was torn away from his thinking when someone yelled "All aboard!" Shaking his head and huffing slightly he made his way onto the train in search of an empty seat. For the most part the cabins were full or had the rival house Griffyndor sitting there. He didn't much care for that house and he didn't mind going out of his way to find a different seat where he wouldn't have to converse with them. The train pulled forward which caused him to lose his balance slightly as he continued to search for a seat. Much to his disappointment though the only cabin remotely empty was the one with Kithra Gover sitting quietly while petting her cat. She was an odd person always trying to get people to love each other and trying to find ways to have peace, but then there was also her blood background. She was born to mudbloods making her no better, she was a stain on the magic community as were all mudbloods. They should all be wiped out leaving only those of pure blood to remain. He stepped into the cabin and quickly threw his bags up over his seat next to the door on the opposite side of Kithra. She smiled warmly at him which made him wrinkle his nose and shake his head before sitting down. "Mudblood." He said under his breath but could see from the corner of his eye that she heard it, as her eyebrows knitted together as she bit her lip and looked out the window again. [i]This is going to be a long train ride[/i]