Decado was silent as he helped with the cleaning up of their most recent mess. The Orcs had been outnumbered and outgunned from the start, but the way that things had gone, the wolves were lucky they didn't walk away with casualties, or more wounds. Putting so many newcomers under the command of an inexperienced commander, despite his skill, had proven to be a poor move. These bumpkins didn't fight well together, anxious to prove themselves, grabbing their own glory instead of fighting as a team. Three or four experienced wolves would have peppered the orcs with arrows, thinning their ranks before engaging. But no. One volley and everyone wanted to get in close. They needed some tactics. The fact that they were all still alive and mostly unhurt was thanks to Arthur's quick thinking. He scowled, unstrapping the meats and hides that were attached to the now dead wolf, and getting to quick work on them. They couldn't carry the wold boar and the two deer legs that were to be found, as well as the handful of hares and rabbits that had been caught by the orc hunting party. He got rid of the questionable bits, like the ones that had teeth marks in it. And cut up as much as he determined that they would be able to carry," You said that the troop would like some fresh meat," Decado growled at Arthur," Everyone pack up as much as you can carry, and we leave the rest. Let the healer back at camp determine if this is edible," He packed up a side of the boar and carried it in his bag, moving over to Riki. Her attitude had annoyed him a mite. There was no place for idiots in the Wolves, and her kind of idiocy was the worst kind. The kind that would not only get her killed, but the others around her as well. "You're no princess in need of rescuing, little one," He growled at her, handing her her share of the loot and the meat," Doesn't mean you don't need help on occasion. We fight together, or we die together here in the Wolves. If you can't get that, you will get yourself dead. In most occasions, I would not mourn. But if you get other people killed because you want to do everything yourself, I will kill you myself, and say it was an accident," And with that grumpy advice passed along, he started making his way towards the Ironwolves' camp.