Looking down at the watch he was just handed, Bo looked at the guy who gaave it to him. "Hey, last time I wore a watch like this I almost got killed" He held it up to the light as it slowly booted up and started to do what a watch does best. Tell time. It was time to get going to his room and get one of those sweet shirts. "Name's Bo, nice meeting you, Todd." He said as he started hitting random buttons on the watch making noises and pictures appear. "I better go get one of those shirts, I'll, uh, see you around, K?" And with that, he disappeared into the crowd, well, not disappeared, he was easy to see considering everyone wore MUCH nicer clothes than he did, but nevertheless he was in there. He waved through once again, only bumping into one or two people that he had cut in line earlier. He finally escaped the crowd that had seemed to be hogging all the breathable air in the area and started panting. He walked out a bit and then sat against a wall and had lit a cig before continuing on his way. He didn't know who's cig it was, someone in the crowd was getting one out and he just bummed it off of him. He took a drag and continued toward his dorm, still fiddling with the watch. "Hello, Bo. What is my name?" It said. He was freaked out and dropped the cig onto the ground, but he tried to catch it with his lips and ended up burning his chin. "Hello? Bo? Are you still there? What is my name?" It asked again. Bo spammed more buttons to get it to turn off, and ran to his dorm. He would mess with it there and hopefully get another cig.