[quote=Catharyn] Mmm, very tempted. What would be the RP's focus? Spec ops or more of a survival theme. [/quote] Well, I really want the RP's focus to show both the Spec Ops and a survival theme. Like, we walk through a New York that is affected by this virus and try to rebuild society; yet, we also get to know each other (within the group of course). There will be bandits/gangs that will try to stop us so they could loot our gear, which means that we have to work together as a team in order to survival and save society from falling. Yet, we try to help either rebuild or improve the quarantine zones and get to know the citizens and learn their story. So there is going to be lots of NPCs, since New York City is the largest populated city in America. In short, I want the RP's focus to show both Spec Ops and the survival theme; yet, I also want characters that change their feelings about their teammates and get to know them more. --- Well, if you are going to join us, then we have our third person. Which means that [b]none else can join[/b] until one of the three drops out.