[Universe 1] It felt good to be back inside the TARDIS. It felt safe. She turned to the Doctor who seemed to have someplace in mind, which was just fine by her. After all, who was she to complain? "Tch, fine by me." Jennifer replied. The last thing she wanted to think about was romance. She watched him pilot the ship and she moved over to sit down, of course she knew as soon as she did get situated, they would already be someplace else, someplace far far away. A burst of excitement exploded in her heart. She was ready to move on now. A better time and a better place would be just what the doctor ordered. Speaking of doctors, the Doctor moved toward the door since it appeared like they had landed already. He told her she'd like it, that there wouldn't be any treats. "I can't stand those chalky sweetheart candies, I swear you should only give them to people you secretly hate." Jen said and jumped from her seat and jogged over to the Doctor's side as usual. "Although...I couldn't turn down chocolate." She reconsidered with a smirk. He opened the door and stepped out. She quickly followed, pulling the door shut after her. Jennifer looked up and saw a vast deep blue sky and it was framing a big planet which appeared close enough to touch. She gasped and took a few steps forward, the long green grass tickling her knees. "Wow...this..." Trying to find a word for it would take more than a second so she paused and flipped through her internal dictionary of words she had collected over time. None were doing the view justice, which was annoying but the writer quickly cast that issue aside, because the view was just so breathtaking and majestic and beautiful and so so haunting. "I can't even describe it." Jen said, a bit dumbfounded. It beat Berlin and any other place she had ever been to, out of the water and into a whole other planet. The Doctor said there wasn't anyone to bother them. "I'd be supremely jealous of anyone who gets to live here." She told him as they began to walk along the tall blades of grass. The grass was soft to the touch and there seemed to be nothing as far as the eye could see. It held no hostility whatsoever and that was more welcoming than she could imagine. She glanced at the horizon and saw a creature scamper off though she wasn't worried or concerned. "This is incredible, really really awe-mazing." She told him. Part of her just wanted to shut up because she couldn't properly put into words how great it was. She wasn't ready to give up yet though. They continued to walk, she held her hand out, allowing her fingers to flick along the tips of the grass surrounding them as they wandered along. Up ahead they came across a small pond, which was only about the side of a tennis court. "Oh no, this is great, beyond great just...I love it. Thank you." Jen glanced to the Doctor as she stalled and just took a seat near the water's edge. It was blue, much like the sky's color reflected above them. It was much easier to forget about her own past when she was someplace so serine. Jennifer laid back and looked up at the sky, there wasn't anything but the other planet, as far as she could see. Still, the brunette was wearing a relaxed smile. If she were a cat, she would definitely want to run around. There was a tree also in the distance but for now, she was fine just laying around. "This is pretty relaxing.' Jen commented. Pushing herself up, she sat up and glanced to the pond in front of her. "I guess it's hard for you to relax, you have a really stressful life." She noted. She had only been around him for a short time and she was already wondering if she had taken years off her life with all the running and life-or-death situations. But she wouldn't have it either way, she had been to some cool places. And this was just another on that list, though perhaps at the top now. "But hopefully I can make it a little less stressful..." She considered, knowing when they first met, that wasn't the case. "Cause if I'm not being useful, ya know getting the way, you should just tell me and I'll fix it or you can take me home." The last thing she wanted was to be a useless burden. - - - [Universe 2] Now that they were at the party, the Doctor could step back a bit, this was Summer's moment. He would try to be as supportive as possible. He knew she didn't want to ruin anything in her timeline. That was very understandable. And a great cause for concern but he wasn't too worried about it. As long as Summer didn't reveal or hint to who she was, everything should be fine. He had faith in her and was sure that she could talk with her mother if he wasn't looming over her shoulder. So after he spoke with her mother, he excused himself to look around a bit. He found it easy to converse with guests as he just asked questions and nodded accordingly. People really lost the value of conversation but in their time presently, that wasn't the case. People were friendly and welcoming which he could have expected from a nice little seaside town such as Dover. So there were worse places the Doctor could have found himself in. He kept an eye on Summer, to make sure she was doing alright, not seeming like she needed help. He continued to talk with the locals. He found out their relation to the hosts as well as how they were as people. From what the man could gather, Summer had very good typical parents. She was lucky. Some kids never knew theirs or worse, had parents who lacked the touch of love and just rejected their children. When he was offered something to drink, he kindly turned the offer down and carried on to the next bunch of party goers. Eventually someone called out a desire to play some harmless games before they brought out more snacks. The Doctor looked around, more intent to sit back and watch but seemed like Mable insisted he join them. It also seemed Summer was going to be involved. The Doctor saw a pad of paper was being brought out and set up on an easel. Then large markers were being passed out. He picked a blue one, the color of the TARDIS. It was then explained they would be playing Pictionary. They were put into teams and somehow Mabel had put him with Summer, which was just fine with him though he wasn’t sure how useful he would be at a game which was more meant for humans with culture awareness, as well as artistic skills. He wasn’t sure if he was even a good artist or not. The first person went on the other team and the Doctor sat back on watched. The man began to draw two stick figures with their arms in the air. Then some sort of net was drawn and then someone yelled out 'volleyball' and a point was given to that team for getting it right. The Doctor made a bit of a face as he looked around to have someone go besides him. Thankfully someone else went and the rest were tasked with guessing what was being drawn. The Doctor watched and thought about what it could be. There were animals being drawn, or trying to be drawn. They weren't turning out very good but he kept his opinion to himself. Soon it was clear that it was an animal shelter. Someone shouted it out and they got a point. They only had thirty seconds to guess and they had cut it close. They'd need to be more careful next time. The other team went but ended up failing to guess that their teammate was trying to draw disco. Next it was them again and the Doctor was elected to give it a go. He got up and glanced to Summer. He picked a scrap of paper from the hat and read it. It was teacher. He shrugged, should be easy enough. He drew a young woman and then a chalk board with a simple 2+2=4 equation on it and then drew a desk. Thankfully Summer called it out and he grinned. Mabel congratulated the Doctor who sat back down, this time by where Summer was. He patted her on the back as the other team took their turn. After a few more rounds, it seemed there was a tie and there had to be a tie breaker. Mabel explained that each team would elect someone and they'd draw the same thing and the first team to guess would get the point. Simple enough but could bring on some stress. So far everyone had been fair to one another, enjoying wine or tea accordingly. The Doctor looked to Summer, "I think you should go it a go." He told her. "You'll be fine." He smiled. The Doctor looked to the other team, they had picked a man who was slightly older than Summer but one who probably had the best skills on his team. He had a feeling if Summer did win, it could warrant some praise from her mother. Though the Doctor was sure that Mabel would be encouraging no matter the outcome. This was Summer's night and he wanted her to enjoy herself.