[b]K.N.I.G.H.T. - Labs[/b] "Simulation complete....." The computer prompted as the doors of the simulation room slid open. Out of it came forth Experiment no. 3, an artificial metahuman created and maintained by S.T.A.R. Labs. They were funded by an anonymous contributor to create the next wave of superhumans for the United States military. They had two previous attempts at this creation, both failing miserably. Due to a lack of metahuman DNA strands, the two previous experiment were not compatible for completion. But as for their third experiment, the scientist took a different route in the creation process. At that time, an organization by the name of K.N.I.G.H.T. Started to makes its debut into the new metahuman world. According to many news reporters and television broadcasts, this new organization was in charge of studying the reverse of the metahuman gene.the public is informed that K.N.I.G.H.T. Has cured many metahumans and will continue to do it only to those searching for a cure. What they did not know is that is was their scientist who infiltrated S.T.A.R. Labs and have helped in the creation of Experiment No. 3, or as they call it, Templar. The male clone was formed through the use of two different metahuman DNA strands along with that of a humans. It has shown to work thus far according to various simulations. Templar has been placed through simulations of human contact, interaction, relations - all to teach him control of his abilities, those which he has so far been able to keep hidden. But today, June 21, 2015, first day of summer, the world will learn the wrath of Templar. "Please escort Templar back to his quarters will you" Dr. Clairfield asked of her colleagues. Two guards turned to Templar and did as told. As the experiment passed the doctor, it turned to face her. "How did I do doctor?" Templar asked. "You did-" the doctor started before being interrupted by a new face. "[i]It[/i] doctor, [i]It[/i] did good doctor, it's not a person" the man said. This particular person wore a rather sharp pitch black suit with black slacks, undershirt, and tie. What made him even more unique were his shades, which was ironic because: "I am Mr. Shade, creator and founder of K.N.I.G.H.T. As of today, we are taking over this facility along with all it's research. This means, that Experiment No. 3 now belongs to us." "No! You can't do that, we've been working on this for about three months now. It is us who created Templar, not you!" Dr. Clairfield snapped. Mr. Shades laughed at the doctor, looking at particular scientist in the room. "Look around you doctor and tell me what you see" Mr. Shade instructed. As the doctor turned, she noticed some of her colleagues removing their lab suits and wearing the emblem of K.N.I.G.H.T. on their shirts. "You bastards" the doctor cursed. Me. Shade the flinched his hand, instructing the guards to take Templar away. Confused, mathematical clone said nothing, just felt uneasy at the new establishment before him. "Now doctor, you've got two options before you. Either you provide us with all acquired data and become part of K.N.I.G.H.T., or you return to Philadelphia and start checking in books like the good ol' librarian you used to be." "How did you-" "We know everything Dr. Clairfield, erased or not. You've got an hour to decide. Now get her out of here for the time being" he instructed the guards. Like Templar, they escorted the doctor out of the room. As for all of the other elephants in the room..........you are all now a part of K.N.I.G.H.T. Those who have an issue may step out now." "No takers? Good, I didn't think so. Now let's get to work people. Sign into our database, pull up wverything you've got on..........(he looked through some papers that were given to him)...Orlov, Modya." After they searched up the metahuman they searched for her through the country. "Do we have her location yet?" "Still searching sir. Looking through the database for everything we can find on her. It seems she has found her way to New York City sir. We only have a general location, we can't be exact." "That'll have to work for now. Is Experiment 3 prepared for combat?" Me. Shade asked the old S.T.A.R. Lab scientist who worked on Templar. "We have not placed him through any physical tests yet sir" the scientist responded. "But he is aware of his abilities correct? He has used them before?" "Yes, but he wasn't created for-" "Then he is prepared for battle. Allow me to inform you Dr......Johnson. This uprising of teenage metahumans is a liability for the world. They are unable of controlling their "abilities" and are a threat to the United States. We have authorization from the president to take any precaution necessary to prevent anymore destruction from these kids. Our mission is to capture them and deprive them of these abilities all while using our research to create our own weapons, such as Experiment 3. Now, prepare the experiment for battle. Arm him with K.N.I.G.H.T.'s best weapon. Let's watch these kids fall to the pressure." ---------- [b]Experiment No.3 - New York City[/b] "This is your target!" the mission leader yelled. He showed Templar a picture of Boomstick. "You capture her, you bring her to us! We land the chopper atop the hills, you'll see us! Now go!" Suddenly, Templar jumped off the chopper dressed like a normal person. He landed on a building not too far from central. As the helicopter flew off, Templar took a second to take in his surroundings. He'd never seen so many lights in one place. "New York City" he said to himself in wonder. It was about 7:30 pm, so it was fairly dark outside. He jumped off the building and landed in an alley. In his ear, he had a telecom to communicate to headquarters and vice versa. "The target should be around, keep a keen eye out for her, she cannot get away" "Boomstick, I'm coming for you!"