[b]Tharvan[/b] The throne room of the King's Keep was huge. It was so big, that when someone spoke, it was like a hundred other voices repeated everything, as if to mock. It didn't use to matter before. The room would always be full of people from every class, and for every reason. Some came to offer gifts, some to ask help in a time of hardship, some to get assistance against a certain group of bandits, and some some for more professional matters. Now, however the throne room was empty, dark and cold. No one came anymore to speak to the King, for there was no King, there was an Emperor. Tharvan sat in his carved stone throne, his massive Dragon lying silently on the floor, not even moving a muscle. The great doors to the throne room opened, two guards pushed it just enough so a third soldier could fit in, after that, the doors were immediately shut again. The soldier lowered to one knee, bowing as low as he could. Then he stood up and straightened himself. "Emperor Tharvan, I come to you with many news. We have finally finished the manufacturing of the new fire dust weapons you asked for. We have two-hundred fully functional units with trained people to use them" Tharvan suddenly interrupted: [b]"I want five hundred! Two hundred will be sent to the Ivory Gates, a hundred and fifty to HighHold and the rest will stay here, to be deployed later."[/b] "Yes Emperor Tharvan. Understood. … We are also making good progress with the building of the new warships. We currently have twenty Leviathans and forty Gliders, with crew and weapons, ready to be deployed." [b]"What about the traitors?"[/b] "Emperor Tharvan, the Northerners seem to have prepared their army. We have definitely seen elves amongst them as well. We still haven't seen any major groups marching out of Du Weldenvarden however, they are still cowering in fear, just like the Dwarves. None have been seen coming out of the Beors, we don't need to fear any attacks any time soon. However, we have gotten suspicious at the Narven in the Desert, they seem to be wanting to help the rebels. We are keeping an eye on them." [b]"Good… I want an army ready to march to Hrafn within the next three moons."[/b] "Yes Emperor Tharvan!" The man bowed and turned to leave but stopped and turned as the Emperor spoke again. [b]"What about the new Allies….?"[/b] The man paled and paused before talking again, swallowing hard before doing so. "They are coming, emperor Tharvan. They will fight on our side" The man bowed again and left, the door opened and shut again, leaving the throne room quiet and cold once again.