[quote=deadpixel101] Im seeing a theme of badass drunk old men. [/quote] Ha! I noticed first! [quote=ruronihs] @Descartes: I'll need you to alter a few things to make this character mesh with the setting a bit better. As I told Jerkchicken, civil disputes don't make sense in this setting since everybody has much larger problems to worry about than differing ideologies. Even in a sprawling metropolis, people would still be struggling just to keep the place standing against the wrath of the gods. Now, if you wanted to connect it to the gods, making the foreigners people who want to try submitting to appease their wrath, then this might work better. Or, perhaps they are outright under the influence of the gods and are carrying out their destructive work. The divine light wiping out the monsters wouldn't happen in this world. I have plans for the gods, so right now there can be no divine intervention. How does he maintain his drunken behavior, or even his existence in the village for that matter? The village has a bartering economy. He offers no goods or services, yet he is somehow obtaining what I called a scarce luxury. Trader visits would be very rare, and they wouldn't be lugging around mass quantities of alcohol on the rare occasions that they do visit. Perhaps he could use his healing skills to be a doctor. And, there's two more minor things. I'm going to ask you to nerf your sword a bit. Either limit the substances it can cut through, or reduce the time it glows for to something around a 5-minute range. 30 minutes is a long time for unlimited cutting power. Lastly, just put a bit more description into the shrine. [/quote] Alright, I justified the existence of the city by giving it a defense system against the gods. I also made it so that the immigrants arrived thanks to the gods. As for the divine light, I didn't explicitly state it as being divine. I modified it slightly to sound more like simply the event where Alexander discovers his powers. I didn't want to have Alexander be a doctor because I think that would devalue his power to a mere commodity. In this case, I played up his writing ability so that he wrote for a living, trading stories and poetry in exchange for food and other luxuries. I also gave Alexander a place to stay. If the two drunken masters get accepted, I'll say Alexander gets his beer from them. This way, we can establish a connection between three characters. Oh, and more detail was added to the shrine.