When Donny reached the dead end he tried to turn around to escape, but the two knights already cornered him. They drew their weapons and slowly approached Donny. "Surrender yourself peacefully, or face swift justice, here and now." Of course Donny wasn't going to surrender. He'd never give up to guys like these, even if ti meant dying. He stepped back trying to make space between him and the knights, who themselves were slowly and cautiously approaching. When he was surrounded, Donny smirked. [b]"Cornered from all sides... Poor bastards."[/b] But before he could react, Donny was pulled into the darkness, something that's never happened to him before. He lashed out to attack, but a voice called out to him. [i]"Don't move."[/i] She said. It was a soothing voice, familiar, and for some reason Donny decided to listen. He really hoped this wasn't the vampire from before, unless she plans to thank him by saving him, though it begs to question why she didn't do this in the first place so save him the trouble. But before he would stay still, hoping that this isn't a trick.