[i][b]Iktomi[/b][/i] Standing out on the balcony, Iktomi gazed out over the ruined city of Sovereign. A year ago the entire world had collapsed in on itself. The violent tremors that racked the city had destroyed more than just the buildings, the whole economic structure fell right alongside the city. Government officials had fled moments before the Gate even opened, leaving Sovereign without any leadership. The standard of life had fallen drastically for the entire city. Well except for Iktomi, he had thrived during the damn near post apocalyptic city. He turned around, leaning casually against the railing as he took in what his mansion had become. Spiderwebs clung to nearly every surface, each one completely unique, designed to direct one's attention to the center of the main lobby. The high back chair that once resided there had been replaced by a true throne constructed entirely of threads, suspended 10 feet off the ground. [b]”You really are enjoying this aren’t you Iktomi? Everyone around you is struggling to survive, and here you reside in your web of deceit. I must admit, I managed to find myself a more than acceptable host.”[/b] Archania’s voice filled Iktomi’s head. After the initial binding she discovered the his will was much too strong to allow her full control, so once he awoke they sorted out what would happen. He had been overwhelmed at first, and it took a month before they made any real progress, but eventually they formed an alliance of sorts. [i]”You aren’t getting soft on me are you Archania? I must say you really are a poor excuse for an Onikage, you haven’t made an attempt to take control for over a week now. I think you are starting to like me.”[/i] A smirk pulled at the corner of his lips as Iktomi spoke within his mind. He loved pushing his kage’s buttons. Her response was swift, a loud crunch as she slammed her mandibles together. [b]”You are nothing but an insect to me boy! I am just waiting for the right moment to make your body my own.”[/b] After a moment she calmed down, frustrated with herself for taking his bait again. [b]”Isn’t it about time for you to check in with that Shadow Stepper and the Black Widow you keep around?”[/b] Tilting his head back to catch a glimpse of the position of the sun, Iktomi nodded a bit before placing a hand to his ear, turning on his headset. “Leo I want a progress report. How are the tunnels coming along?” For a moment all he heard was static, before the stoic voice of Leo filled the void. “Since the last check in there have been thirteen more casualties, all hired workers. The tunnel connecting to the Vault has been completed, and the tunnels to two of our new safe houses have also reached completion. In total six tunnels are finished. Any new orders?” “No Leo continue to connect the other safe houses. I will check in again in a few days. Focus on the ones near Vate’s establishment, I want an easier method of getting in contact with him.” Pressing a small button on the headset Iktomi switched frequencies. “Hali anything happening on the perimeter? Last couple of days have been quiet, you know how much I hate when things get quiet.” Static again, before an emotionless, feminine voice came over the speaker. “My men have spotted an Conduit heading towards the estate. He has a weapon and they say that he appears hostile. Should I take care of him?” Iktomi took only a moment to think, before he pushed off the balcony and headed for his throne. As he reached the steps he began speaking once more. “No Hali, I want you to get him to the lobby. Direct him here by any means necessary, I will be waiting.” Sitting upon the throne, Iktomi casually laid one ankle across his opposite knee, elbow on the arm of the chair and his head resting upon his closed fist. [i][b]Halimae[/b][/i] “Understood sir.” In a fluid movement Hali unsheathed the blade strapped to her back and quickly slashed herself across the stomach, tearing the fabric of her black t-shirt. While blood flowed from the shallow wound to her abdomen she brought the tip of the sword up to her cheek creating another small cut there. Tossing the blade and it’s sheath behind a piece of rubble, she tapped her headset. “Where is the Conduit currently?” She received a swift response from one of her men that had been carefully tracking the host. “He is headed for your position, he should be there within thirty seconds. Should I intercept him?” “No Iktomi wants to deal with him personally. Go back to your position until further notice.” Counting down in her head, Hali stumbled out from behind the former office building just as the Conduit stepped around the corner, bumping into him. Her hands grabbed onto his shirt as she fell to her knees, tears welling up in her eyes. “You have to help me! I was just trying to get back to my family when this monster of a man attacked me.” Her voice cracked towards the end and she began sobbing, burying her face into the man’s chest. “Where? Where were you attacked?” The Conduit, who was not a very large man but fairly muscled, laced his fingers with Hali’s hair yanking her head away to look down at her. For a fraction of a moment the desire to kill this man herself reared up within her stomach as sharp pangs of pain ripped through her as he tugged on her hair, but she quickly repressed it. Shakingly lifting a hand she pointed towards a building not too far away. “Over...over there.” Releasing her, the man pushed her away from him sprinting in the direction she had pointed. After waiting to make sure he was far enough to be unable to hear her, she tapped her headset again. “He is on his way now, expect him within a couple minutes.” [i][b]Iktomi[/b][/i] “Excellent work Hali, keep me updated on any other changes.” Turning his headset off, Iktomi waited patiently for the Conduit to arrive. His patience paid off as the man burst through the only set of doors leading inside the Araneae headquarters. “You son of a bitch!” The Conduit continued his forward motion, until he found his feet unable to move. Looking down he found his shoes covered in threads, which were slowly crawling up his legs. “I don’t think my mother has anything to do with this, although I do agree she was a complete bitch. Now tell me why you are here.” Iktomo’s voice remained calm and casual, his free hand lifted at his side controlling the webbing that had made it up to the Conduit’s hips stopping there for the time being. “You forced my sister out into the streets you bastard! She was killed a day later and it is all your fault! How can you even live with yourself?” Iktomi lifted his shoulder in a dismissive shrug. “It really isn’t that difficult. I needed a new location to house a portion of my men, and her home was in the perfect spot. She is not the first person that has died due to my actions, and she certainly will not be the last. It is survival of the fittest boy, she would never have made it.” The Conduit shook with rage before screaming at the top of his lungs. “You are a monster! I am going to-” “Enough! I grow tired of you and your pathetic attempt at revenge. If you miss your sister so much then I am more than happy to reunite the two of you!” Rising out of his throne Iktomi used the hand he had been resting on to manipulate the more threads. From the ground rose three thread spears, one on each side of the conduit and one behind him. With a quick thrust of his hand Iktomi skewered the man, piercing his left lung, his stomach, and his heart. Sitting back down he turned his head set on again. “Alex I need a cleaning crew in here. We have another body to dispose of.” [b]”More power for us, I just love how mindless revenge makes people. You don’t even have to hunt for them, they fly right into your web.”[/b] Archania’s voice echoed within his head, as a slight smirk appeared on Iktomi’s lips once more.