The Knights in the alley way turned their attention to the mysterious female. One of the knights ogled her form and figure, but the other younger knight knew better than to fall for her charms, the same one the vampire tried to employ onto them before. When he noticed his companion falling for the woman's willies, the young knight lightly slapped his companion on the back of the head. "Oi! Snap out of it! Yes, we're hunting a vampire who has been preying on our children, and that orc recently allowed her escape. We are going to capture him and turn him into the local authorities so that we may continue our pursuit of the treacherous bitch and ensure that next time, no wannabe hero stands in the way of justice!" Donny, who was still hidden in the shadows but had no way of actually escaping said shadow, wanted to come out and try to defend himself verbally but once again he had no means to escape the shadows and was practically stuck there at the mercy of the rather alluring female, whom he could only assume may be the one who saved him/put him in this participant. The other knight who the elf attempted to murder tried to order his fellow knights to give chance, but the other two ignored him. Seeing that the elf was already getting away and that they have already cornered the orc (As far as he knew) the knight also gave up chasing the elf and ran over, inadvertently flanking Donny's savior. Once again his innate heroic instincts told him that she was in trouble, but before he did anything rash he did think the same when he had inadvertently saved a child-harming vampire, so perhaps he should not be so quick to trust his instincts, as they seem to serve him little good in recent events. "Who are you and why are you here, milady?" Said the youngest of the knight, the only one who seems to be able to ignore the woman's passive seduction.