[center][i]It was time...[/i][/center] The wind within the walls of the pavilion had been gentle for the last few hours, docile as were most summer days within Konohagakure. So, when it picked up into ferocious gusts, scattering leaves and tossing around loose articles of clothing, the shinobi within were sure to be on guard. Even if it was a threat, this time, it would likely have not mattered. Atop a small platform, obviously meant for just a single person of imporantance, the wind converged; all gusts pushed debris and leaves to a focal point were they circled around in a small funnel. There, color and shape began to fill the funnel. It was a simple body flicker jutsu variant, as any Jounin most likely would have known, but to the Chuunin and Genin, it would be a site to behold. Shin was playing with theatrics as he made his appearance to Division A, many of whom it was his first time meeting. In doing so, he made it daunting. As was his presence before with Agini, his presence now needed no words. Gusts of wind became shrieks without sound; the wind howled even if it was silent. Shin was intimidating, even if he added nothing. Shin Uzumaki stood before at least twenty shinobi without a trace of insecurity. He wore traditional battle garb, no green flak jacket. On each shoulder was the symbol for the Uzumaki and the Uchiha respectively, and on his back was a large U, most likely to symbolize each. He held a large blade on his back: the Samehada, although few knew of the blade. He stood with his arms crossed, making his garb more apparent as it was force to adjust to his posture. His right arm lacked armor; instead, it was grey with what appeared to be a hard plate on it that came to a point at his elbow and for anyone observant enough three holds down it. It took time for his full form to be revealed, and when it was, everyone would see the bold Sharingan constantly active in his left eye. Aside from his rather inhuman qualities, Shin was a rather slim individual. In no way would he have been intimidating... if he had appeared to be any regular shinobi. [indent][i]"I am Shin Uzumaki, to those of you either unaware or ignorant. I am the Jounin Commander of Konohagakure; 'essentially, the second in charge'. You have all been gathered here for the same reason: you will be assigned teams, by me. You are part of Division A, which should be an honor. You were each placed here by Hosuka himself, your Hokage; it was he who determined your placement here. After that, however, your fates are mine. . . Before I begin, let me tell you all something. Each one of you, in some way, has had their lives touched by the man name Sachi Uzumaki. I knew him. I grew up with him. Let me tell you this... he was the last person I would have ever expected to become The Conqueror. He graduated from an academy; just like all of you. He made friends and made enemies. Just like you. He even fell in love, as I am sure some of you will - if you live that long. My point is to all of you that he was just a normal man for most of his life. Each of you have so much potential that you cannot even begin to comprehend it. You are all mere sparks, and it is my job as the Howling Wind of Konoha that you become raging fires for our country. . . . with that said, let me return to my duties. I have picked your teams, and hope that I picked well. The first team shall be Team Sun, and shall consist of Goro Sroda as team leader with Seiga Tomoe [will be added later]. The second team shall be lead by my friend and comrade Kirugetsu Hozuki. It will consist of the legend himself leading Shisen Inuzuka, Maruki Hyuga and Kirin Haranai. The remaining teams are lead by chuunin and consist of only one other genin. The first is Team Earth and you consist of Jhino Uzahara and Utaka Tsukino. The second is Team Star and you consist of Shiƍ Nara and Taiho Sunzuna. The last team of Division A is Kami Rinha and Shira Hataga, with a third place open at my discretion. Remember: You are Division A, not just squads and cells. Every Jounin is your sensei, every Chuunin is your mentor and every genin is your comrade. You will be given three days to acquaint yourselves and train before your first exercises, which I have personally designed. Do not die... like fire, you must grow in the wind; not be blown out."[/i][/indent] With that, Shin was gone. No wind. No theatrics. He simply shimmered away. With the exception of the Jounin who may have seen his body flicker, Shin just appeared to vanish. He left with words powerful enough that he needed no exit. In fact, he never needed the entrance, either.